- Provably Secure ID-Based Identification Scheme without Random Oracle 无需随机预言可证安全的基于ID的身份认证方案
- without random oracle 无随机预言
- Provably Secure Threshold Signature Schemes Without Random Oracles 标准模型下可证安全的门限签名方案
- Universal Designated Verifier Signature without Random Oracles 无随机预言机的广义指定验证者签名方案
- The scheme was proved secure against the active and concurrent attacks in the random oracle model. 方案在随机问答器模型下证明是安全的,其不可伪造性等同于CDH(Computational D iffie-Hellman)问题;
- The security of the signature schemes whose signatures have specific form is discussed in the random oracle model. 在随机问答器模型下讨论了签名具有某种特定形式的签名体制的安全性。
- The security in the random oracle model is proved under the BDH assumption and the CT-CDH assumption. 利用随机问答器模型, 在BDH假设及CT-CDH假设下证明了该方案的安全性。
- It is proved that the proposed scheme is secure under the BDH assumption and the random oracle model. 证明了在BDH问题假设和随机预言机下新方案是安全的。
- The scheme is proved to achieve the desired security request under the random oracle model. 在随机预言模型下,新方案达到了所需的安全要求。
- without random oracles 标准模型
- Then we prove that our scheme satisfies these security notions in the random oracle model. 我们证明该方案在随机预言机模型中是可证安全的。
- In the random oracle model, using forking lemma proposed byPointcheval and Stern, breaking of the scheme is equivalent to solve discrete logarithm problem. 在随机神谕模型下,通过Pointcheval和Stern提出的分叉引理,攻破该方案等价于解离散对数问题。
- Under the random oracle model,the proposed scheme is proven to be existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attack. 在随机预言模型下,可证明该方案在适应性选择消息攻击下是存在不可伪造的。
- Based on bilinear pairings and the random Oracle model, a new identity-based dynamic group key agreement protocol for mobile networks was proposed. 基于双线性对和随机预言模型,针对移动网络提出了一个动态群组密钥协商方案。
- Until now, the general belief was that the spinal networks functioned mechanically and completely without random impulses. 目前为止,传统的观点认为脊髓网状结构功能是机械的并且是完全没有随机冲动产生的。
- Compared with the original protocol, this protocol only needs DDH (decisional Diffie-Hellman) assumption but not ideal encryption and Random Oracle model. 与原始协议相比,改进后的协议只需要DDH(decisional Diffie-Hellman)假设,而不需要理想加密和Random Oracle假设;
- This paper offers arguments for the provable security of a class of ID-based signature schemes called ID-based generic signature schemes in the random oracle model. 在随机谕示模型下;研究一类基于身份的签名体制(称为基于身份的一般签名体制)的安全性.
- Keywords: certificateless public key cryptography, computational Diffie-Hellman problem, bilinear pairing, certificateless signature, random oracle model. 张磊,男,1982年出生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为密码学与信息安全。
- Compared with those protocols based on the Random Oracle model, provable secure EKE (encrypted key exchange) protocols have heavier computation burden and their descriptions are more complex, although they don't need the Random Oracle model. 与Random Oracle模型下的协议相比;标准模型下可证安全的EKE(encrypted key exchange)协议虽然不需要Random Oracle假设;但它们都对参与方的计算能力要求较高;协议规则也更为复杂.
- Then,we provide some theoretical discussions for the security model for MVESSs,and show that our new scheme can be proven to secure with the hardness assumption of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem of pairings in the random oracle model. 随后;本文讨论了混合可验证加密签名体制的安全模型;并在随机谕示模型下;基于双线性映射的计算性D iffie-Hellman问题难解性假设;证明本文体制是可证安全的.