- She tell me without restraint all about her marry life. 她毫不拘束地向我详述她婚后的生活。
- In a free manner; without restraint. 自由地以自由的方式; 不受限制地
- She talked to me without restraint. 她毫无拘束地跟我交谈。
- He gave himself up to evil without restraint. 他胡作非为,肆无忌惮。
- People deforest constantly and without restraint. "人们不断地乱砍伐树木"用英语怎么说?
- Mrs. Smith cried without restraint. 史密斯夫人无拘无束地大喊。
- He spent without restraint and was soon reduced to poverty. 他挥霍无度,家境很快就破落了。
- She told me without restraint all about her married life. 她毫不拘束地向我详述她婚后的生活。
- The arrogant mock me without restraint, but I do not turn from your law. 骄傲的人甚侮慢我,我却未曾偏离你的律法。
- You boasted against me and spoke against me without restraint, and I heard it. 你们也用口向我夸大,增添与我反对的话,我都听见了。
- What would have happened if we had continued to allow such posters to be put up without restraint? 如果让它漫无限制地搞下去,会出现什么事情?
- Lacking the iron will which marked so many of her relatives, Maggie loved easily and without restraint. 玛吉由于缺乏她的许多亲戚都具有的钢铁般的意志,很容易爱上一个人而控制不住感情。
- Ascend the wave son to strictly forbid in to cause disturbance wildly for the and calumniate without restraint. 对于骄狂登徒浪子严禁进入捣乱和肆意诽谤。
- The Force-strong Korun fought without restraint, lashing out with vengeance and bloodlust forbidden by the Jedi Code. 原力强大的考伦人在战斗中肆无忌惮地复仇、杀戮,而这些都是绝地信条所禁止的。
- Let power finally be unleashed, without restraint, without bounds. And let it consume all that stand against us. 不用非是混乱邪恶,任何邪恶都可以,在下中立邪恶就打的这个结局。
- How can he use his freedom creatively and responsibly?How can he avoid that his freedom goes without restraint. 他将怎样创造性地,负责地使用他的自由,他将如何避免让自由成为放肆的。
- At the arrival of each autumn's harvest season, the landowner would collect money from the farmers without restraint. 每到秋收季节, 地主都要到农民家里大肆敛钱。
- Valuing the wisdom of discernment, the danger of pleasure without restraint, and the joy of victory with integrity. 认清洞察力的价值,认清无约束的快乐的危害,享受诚实带来的愉快。
- River fisheries are a natural resource of a very limited character,and would be rapidly exhausted,if allowed to be used by every one without restraint. 内河渔场是数量非常有限的自然资源,如果不加限制地允许每一个人使用,就会迅速地枯竭。
- Historical experience has proven that the exercise of power without restraint and supervision inevitably leads to corruption. 历史证明无限制地、缺乏监督地行使权力不可避免地会导致腐败。