- As soon as we are in receipt of your specific inquiry,we shall send you samples without the least delay. 一旦收到贵方具体询价,我即寄样品给你。
- Any letter of this nature received must be answered in full without the least delay and with courtesy so as to create goodwill and leave a good impression on The reader. 收到任何这类信函之后,必须礼貌地及时给予完整的答复,以便树立信誉以及给读信人留下良好的印象。
- As soon as we are in receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall send you samples without the least delay. 一俟收到贵方具体询价,我即寄样品给你。
- He joined the army without the least hesitation. 他毫不迟疑地参军了。
- Signals would then be recorded without the least distortion. 这样记录的讯号就一点儿也不会失真。
- Tom stuck up to the bully without the least timidity. 汤姆毫不畏怯地反抗那个恃强凌弱的家伙。
- I am without the least benefit of prayer and austerity, O Lord! 主!我在毫无受益地实践祷告和苦行,
- She had fallen into disgrace without the least advancement of her purpose. 她丢尽了面子,目的却一点也没有达到。
- They must be destroyed resolutely,thoroughly,and without the least mercy. 要坚决地彻底地破坏这些东西,而决不能丝毫留情。
- They must be destroyed resolutely, thoroughly, and without the least mercy. 要坚决地彻底地破坏这些东西,而决不能丝毫留情。
- Seeing that,I decided to give him a hand without the least hesitation. 看到这一切,我毫不犹豫地决定向他伸出援助之手。
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一辆没有多余装饰的普通汽车。
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- I was not surprised in the least. 我一点也不感到惊讶。
- His illness left him without the power of speech. 他病後丧失了说话能力。
- Without the sun, nothing would grow. 没有太阳,就不会有生物。
- He is not interested in math in the least. 他对数学一点都不感兴趣。
- I was surprised at what he said, to say the least. 毫不夸张地说,我对他的话感到吃惊。
- George stood by his mother, watching her arrangements without the least concern. 乔治站在母亲旁边,瞧着她一样样的安排,半点儿不动心。
- He lives in a cottage three miles without the town. 他住在城外三英里一所村舍里。