- Paper is made from wood and bamboo. 纸是由木头和竹子制造而成的。
- Yes,I'm especially interested in Chinese arts adn crafts,such as jade carvings,wood and bamboo cavings as well. 是的,我特别对贵方的工艺品如玉雕刻,象牙雕刻,木刻,竹刻感兴趣。
- I am especially interested in Chinese art and craft,such as jade carving,ivory carving,wood and bamboo carving as well. 我对贵方的工艺品特别感兴趣,如玉雕、象牙雕、木刻和竹刻等。
- Yes,I'm especially interested in Chinese arts and crafts,such as jade carvings,ivory carvings,wood and bamboo carvings as well. 是的,我对中国工艺特别感兴趣,像玉雕、象牙雕、木雕和竹雕。
- This device can make a contribution to preventing global warming by fixing carbon through the conversion of unwanted wood and bamboo into charcoal. 利用废木材烧炭的同时起到了固定炭素的效果,为防止地球温暖化做一份贡献。
- I am especially interested in Chinese art and craft, such as jade carving, ivory carving, wood and bamboo carving as well. 我对贵方的工艺品特别感兴趣,如玉雕、象牙雕、木刻和竹刻等。
- Rattan canes are important non-wood forest products and they are second only to wood and bamboo materials.They are of very high economic value. 摘要棕榈藤藤材是仅次于木材和竹材的重要非木材林产品,具有很高的经济价值。
- Permanent galleries include bronze, ceramics, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, furniture, jade, seals, coins, minority arts, and bamboo, wood and lacquer wares and ceramics. 长期展室中有青铜、陶瓷、绘画、书法、雕刻、家俱、玉器、印玺、钱币、少数民族艺术品、竹器、木器、漆器和陶器。
- The wood and bamboo should be properly handled and stored for reuse. If possible, the metal formwork and scaffold can be adopted to minimise the use of timber. 建筑时使用的木材及竹枝应妥善处理及存放以方便再用。如有可能,应尽量使用金属模板及金属棚架,减少使用木材。
- On the basis of a good deal of investigations, this paper analyses the present situation and problems of Huangyan's wood and bamboo processing industry and some countermeasures is described. 通过调查,全面分析了黄岩市木竹加工业发展的现状与存在的问题,提出了解决当前发展中存在问题的若干对策。
- In mid 60s, Government restricted the towing of floating wood and bamboo rafts in the Hong Kong Waters.This measure directly promoted the growth of motorised cargo vessels and dumb steel lighters. 六十年代中期,政府限制浮木及竹排在港内拖带,促使货艇及趸船逐渐兴起,后者由于缺乏动力,需要拖轮拖带。
- Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood. 松木是软木,柚木是硬木。
- Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue. 早期的飞行器是木头和胶粘合的脆弱机器。
- The virgin forest of piney woods and bamboo groves protects the Yang Lu Gang Village. 枝叶茂密、青松翠柏的原始森林和婆娑摇曳、笔直挺拔的竹林像两个卫士一样保护着羊路冈村。
- He cut back into the wood and hide there till darkness come. 他急忙返回树林,在那儿一直躲到天黑。
- Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island. 木材和石头是这个岛上仅有的原材料。
- Then let's order Fried Mushrooms and Bamboo Shoots. 那么,我们点一个香菇笋片。
- A Do you like mushrooms? And bamboo shoots? 你喜欢蘑菇吗?还有竹笋?
- Forests include arbor forests and bamboo forests. 森林,包括乔木林和竹林。