- wood mass loss 木材质量损失
- There was almost no difference of wear mass loss at 480 r/min. 氩弧焊接接头磨损表面呈现明显的塑性变形和表层剥落开裂迹象。
- The mass loss rate and the ablation factor can be used to characterize the ablative properties of these materials correctly. 采用质量烧蚀率和烧蚀因子可较好地表征和比较烧蚀材料的烧蚀性能。
- The maximum value of the cumulative mass loss in 2.4%NaCl was about 2.1 times to that in distilled water. 4%25NaCl溶液中空蚀最大失重率是蒸馏水中的2.;1倍
- The traditional method to determine mycelium biomass by weighing dry cell mass loss had its drawbacks. 利用干重损失法推测生物量存在一定的缺陷;
- The specimen is mounted on a load cell which records the mass loss rate of the specimen during combustion. 这个标本是安装在称重传感器,记录燃烧过程中试样的质量损失率。
- It is found that the material surface becomes smooth following the mass loss in the decontaminating process. 结果表明:伴随着失重,试样表面变得光滑;电化学去污对材料抗腐蚀性能没有影响。
- The central bright star HD 226868 is the binary companion of the black hole, currently undergoing mass loss to Cygnus X-1. 中心亮星HD226868与该黑洞组成一个双星系统,目前其物质正被天鹅座X-1吞噬。
- For the friction of disc braking materials, both initial braking speeds and pressures have a distinct influence on wear mass loss. 对于盘形制动材料,制动初速度和制动压力对磨损量均有较大的影响。
- This mass loss creates a more or less spherical cloud around the star and eventually uncovers the star's blazing hot core. 质量损失在恒星周围造就了或多或少呈现球形的云团,并最终将恒星闪耀的炽热核心掀开。
- The variation of the mass loss, packing density, surface area, distribution of pore diameter, amount of ash with the cyclical numbers were researched. 考察了活性炭的失重率、堆密度、比表面、孔径分布及灰分含量随活化次数的增加而变化的情况。
- The inhibitory performance of triphenyl phospite in naphenic acid to the corrosion of A3 steel was investigated by the mass loss method. 研究了A3钢在硫酸溶液中的腐蚀行为和腐蚀速率,并利用电化学测试仪对A3钢腐蚀过程的电化学特征进行了研究。
- Many parameters of PP and IFR-PP during combustion were measured such as mass loss, MLR, HRR and temperature variation inside the sample. 通过理论分析及实验比较发现,不同的传热传质过程,对样品裂解、燃烧及热化学行为的影响非常大。
- From the TG-DTA analyses, this decrease in dehydroxylation temperature and a greater mass loss showed the minimization of the particle size. 2. 根据TG-DTA分析,高岭土剥片脱羟基温度的降低和失重率增加,反映出高岭土剥片粒径的减小。
- He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- Method:According to the diagno-sis,98 patients with Primary Osteoporosis were divided into A group(bone mass loss) or B group(Osteoporosis). 方法:根据患者的诊断分为A组(骨量减少组)和B组(骨质疏松组)。
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- Conclusion:Thyroid hormone might speed up bone turnover directly with increased bone resorption to induce bone mass loss. 结论:甲状腺激素可能直接参与加速骨转换及显著增加骨吸收的全过程,由此导致骨量丢失。
- Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。