- woollypod vetch 毛荚野豌豆
- Analysis on chromosome set type of broadleaf vetch. 山野豌豆的染色体组型分析.
- European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops. 欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。
- Effect of PVA Preteatment on Cold Resistance of Chinese Milk Vetch. 聚乙烯醇处理对紫云英抗寒性影响的研究
- Is Chinese milk vetch to protect liver bright purpose? 紫云英是保肝明目的么?
- The study on karyotypes of broadleaf vetch and grass peavine. 山野豌豆和栽培山黎豆的核型研究.
- The effect of rice straw and Chinese milk vetch on rice growth and its uptake of Cu and Cd on Cd and Cu polluted soils by pot experiments was studied. 采用盆栽法研究了稻草和紫云英对两种镉铜污染土壤上水稻的生长及镉铜吸收的影响。
- The growth speed of ryegrass regeneration shoots in intercropping with Chinese milk vetch faster than in single cropping by more than 50%. 集约栽培条件下,黑麦草近距离间作紫云英,黑麦草刈割后再生速度极显著地快于单作黑麦草刈割后的再生速度。
- In planting model, only corn, Italian ryegrass and Chinese milk vetch were planted. 二是一年生牧草青饲贮玉米、多花黑麦草和紫云英与多年生牧草矮象草、桂牧一号象草、皇草和葛藤搭配种植来满足肉牛对青饲料周年需要的模式(模式2)。
- Objective:Intractable heart failrue was treated with large dosage of milk vetch injection. 目的:大剂量黄芪注射液治疗难治性心力衰竭。
- Angelica and hotpot, the root of remembranous milk vetch, dangshen can warm angelica hotpot boiling water together. 当归与羊肉、黄芪、党参一起可炖成当归羊肉汤。
- The results indicated that growing vetch in apple orchards could promote the propagation of O. sauteri Poppius. 果园间作毛叶苕子更利于叶螨天敌东亚小花蝽的春季繁殖。
- Conclusion:The effect of large dosage of milk vetch injection in treatment of intractable heart failure is satisfied. 01)。结论:加用大剂量黄芪注射液治疗难治性心衰有较满意的疗效。
- Raw material: The pig is spinal 500 grams, earthy tuckahoe 60 grams, the root of remembranous milk vetch 30 grams. 原料:猪脊骨500克,土茯苓60克,黄芪30克。
- Thirty-two cases of diabetic neuropathy were treated wit h Milk Vetch and Mailuoning Injection(MI). 采用黄芪、脉络宁注射液分步静脉点滴治疗糖尿病周围神经病变32例。
- As a legume, crown vetch draws nitrogen from the air, trapping it in the roots, and thus improves soil fertility. 亦能固氮,从而增加土壤肥力。
- The research results show that too high copper content in the soil will do damage to Milk Vetch. 研究结果表明:土壤含铜量过高,对紫云英造成危害;
- This paper studied effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)pretreatment on Coid Resis-tance of Chinese Milk Vetch pot experiment. 通过盆栽方式研究了聚乙烯醇(PVA)处理对紫云英抗寒性的影响。
- The crop green manure of villose vetch could reduce the content of salty in the degree, but the sum of microbe in the soil reduced a little. 豆科作物毛苕子在一定程度上降低了土壤盐分含量,但土壤微生物总量有所减少。
- Included in this family are acacia, alfalfa, beans, broom, carob, clover, cowpea, lupine, mimosa, peas, peanuts, soybeans, tamarind, and vetch. 豆科植物有金合欢、苜蓿、豆、金雀花、角豆树、车轴草、豇豆、羽扇豆、含羞草属、豌豆、花生、大豆、酸豆和巢菜。