- Some real computers have a twelve bit word length. 某些实际应用的计算机的字长为12位。
- A character or other piece of information entered into a computer only to meet prescribed conditions, such as word length, and having no effect on operations. 虚设备,伪程序只满足规定条件的键入计算机的字符或其它信息,对操作毫无影响,如字长
- Baud rate, word length, stop bits, and parity are adjustable from keypad. 波特率、字节长度、停止位以及奇偶位可以在面板上调节。
- DSP Structure and registers word length of CIC interpolator is discussed. 研究CIC 插值滤波器的算法结构,寄存器字长变化规律
- If the receiver is sent more bits than its word length, the bits after the LSB are ignored. 如果接收端能处理的有效位数少于发送端,可以放弃数据帧中多余的低位数据;
- A digital computer designed for a process-control system, and generally limited in instruction capacity, word length and accuracy. 为过程控制而设计的一种数字计算机,通常其指令能力、字长和精度是有限的。
- Vocabulary, word length, grammatical complexity and sentence length are traditionally used to indicate the difficulty level of text. 词汇、单词的长度,语法的复杂性和句子的长度通常表明了一个文本的难度水平。
- A character or other piece of information entered into a computer only to meet prescribed conditions,such as word length,and having no effect on operations. 虚设备,伪程序只满足规定条件的键入计算机的字符或其它信息,对操作毫无影响,如字长。
- The number of smaller units(bits, bytes, characters, words) in a larger unit("word length","block length","message length"). 大单元(“字长”、“块长”、“报文长”)中较小单元(位、字节、字符、字)的数目。
- The number of smaller units(bits, bytes, characters, words) in a larger unit(" word length", " block length", " message length" ). 大单元(“字长”、“块长”、“报文长”)中较小单元(位、字节、字符、字)的数目。
- To overcome finite word length effects and improve its resistance to the attack of crypt analysis, a chaotic map as a private key is added to the existing chaotic watermarking systems. 该方法在现有的混沌数字水印系统基础上 ,增加一个混沌映射作为私有密钥来克服有限字长效应和提高算法的抗破译性。
- Then we also set the coefficients of the realization structures to be quantized with the finite word length so that we can observe how the performances are affected by quantization errors. 尤其有是后期所发展出来的架构,因为其参数皆有经过标准化的处理,故其对数字的性质所表现出来的结果会比其他未经标准化的架构稳定很多。
- The lexicalization phenomenon in Chinese Four-character Phrases has close relationship with morphology, acceptation, structure, cadence, word order, word length, word practice, and culture as well. 摘要汉语四字格所映射的词化现象,既关涉到词形,又关涉到词义;既关涉到结构,又关涉到韵律;既关涉到语序,又关涉到词长;既关涉到语用,又关涉到文化。
- The number of smaller units (bits, bytes, characters, words) in a larger unit (“word length”, “block length”, “message length”). 大单元(“字长”、“块长”、“报文长”)中较小单元(位、字节、字符、字)的数目。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- Technically,the term work size(also called word length) describes the size of an operand register,but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathway to and from the processor. 字的大小这一术语(也称字长)描述了操作数寄存器的大小,但它也可用来不那么严格地描述出入处理器的通道的大小。
- Because of the computer word length, filter algorithm is prone to accelerate error.The error covariance will be out of symmetry, as a result, instability will appear in the value calculation. 摘要由于计算机有效字长的限制,滤波算法在计算机上实施时易于产生误差积累,误差协方差失去正定性或对称性,从而出现数值计算中的不稳定现象。
- Can you give me a definition of this word? 你能告诉我这个单字的定义吗?
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- Mick is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。