- work of persuasion and change 疏导转化工作
- Please defer to the work of author, No allow distribute and change! ‘%23 请尊重作者的劳动,不要随意散播、动软件!
- Commercials can be both an art of persuasion and a mirror to society. 广告可说是一门说服的艺术并且能反映社会。
- Please defer to the work of author , No allow distribute and change! 请尊重作者的劳动,不要随意散播、改动软件!
- It depends on exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making. 它所依靠的手段是叫人气愤而且毫无把握的规劝说服和民主决策。
- NEW WORK PERMITS AND CHANGE OF EMPLOYER. 专业高效提供优质移民服务:工作许可申请及转换雇主。
- He had to use all his powers of persuasion. 他只好尽力进行说服。
- It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making. 它依靠劝说和民主决策这些令人恼火且不可靠的方法来实现。
- Several strong men fell upon him and made short work of him. 几条大汉扑了过来,把他给干掉了。
- Administrative regulations and the method of persuasion and education complement each other in resolving contradictions among the people. 这同用说服教育的方法去解决人民内部的矛盾,是相辅相成的两个方面。
- Judicially, we should utilize judge"s discretion for application of inverting the burden of persuasion and choice of medical identifications. 在司法上,则要充分发挥法官的自由裁量权,以解决好举证责任倒置的适用和医疗鉴定中引发的问题。
- By and large the work of the news agency is appreciative. 一般而论这家新闻社的工作是让人感激的。
- He had a foolproof strategy.It just depended on his powers of persuasion and how much a friend of his was willing to bend the rules. 他已经想出了一个万全之策,而成败仅取决于他说服的技巧和他的朋友是否能通融了。
- This text discusses Mengcius'viewpoint on persuasion by analyzing Mengcius. It consists of two parts: the principle of persuasion and the technique of persuasion. 孟子的说服观,包括孟子说服之道与说服之术两部分,前者为宏观的说服原理,后者为说服的方式和具体技巧。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- He wrote in a tumult of argument and change. 当时社会上变化动荡、议论纷纷,泰勒正是在这种气氛中为报纸写作的。
- After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go. 经过多次劝说后,她同意去了。
- Allows you to view and change an array of bytes. 允许您查看并更改字节数组。
- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了。
- Each movement has been led by a man of words, who used words as instruments of policy, of persuasion and of power, who epitomized the character of his movement in words of historic simplicity. 每一次运动的领导者都有。作为宣传政策、游说拉拢和攫取权力的工具,他们的言语简洁而隽永,于寥寥数语中揭露了运动的本质。