- Are you a housewife or do you work outside the home? 您是家庭主妇,还是外出工作?
- In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent. 为了确保婚姻稳固,妇女应该出外工作并保持独立。
- The growing trend for wives to work outside the home is in part a sharing of the financial burden with the husband. 有越来越多的妻子走出家门去工作,这种趋势部分是为了与丈夫分担经济负担。
- Freed of these household chores, the women can work outside the home and concentrate their energy on production. 从家务劳动中解放出来了,妇女就可以离家工作并把精力集中到生产上。
- Influential feminists like Betty Friedan urged them to put their knowledge and skills to work outside the home. 事实上,即使他不显得高明,不够忍耐,女友和陌生男子的恋情也很难持续下去,因为她们也是精明的,理智的。
- In this respect those women whose lives are occupied with housework are much less fortunate than men, or than women who work outside the home. 在这一点上,终日从事家务的妇女便远不如男子幸运,也没有走出家庭参加工作的妇女幸运。
- Influential feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan urged them to put their knowledge and skills to work outside the home. 象GloriaSteinemandBettyFriedan这样有影响力的男女平等主义者号召他们运用他们的知识和技能出门工作。
- More and more young women were college educated.Influential feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan urged them to put their knowledge and skills to work outside the home. 越来越多的年轻女性有大学文凭,像GloriaSteinem和BettyFriedan这样有影响力的男女平等主义者鼓励她们走出家门,把她们的知识和技巧用在工作中。
- More and more young women were college educated.Influential feminists(families) like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan urged them to put their knowledge and skills to work outside the home. 但是年复一年,许多家庭发现他们需要两个人赚钱才能支付房钱汽车和生活中其他费用。
- Many never worked outside the home until their children were grown and then only at unskilled, low-paying jobs. 许多妇女直到子女长大才离家出外工作,结果只干些非技术性的、工资低的活。
- Coincident with the increase in woman working outside the home is increase in divorce rate. 巧合的是,随着在外工作的妇女人数的增长,离婚比率也在增长。
- One of the most important developments in the U.S. Labor market has been the growing number of women working outside the home. 美国劳动力市场最重要的发展之一是走出家门,参加工作的妇女人数的增长。
- However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household. 然而,即使我们提到越来越多的女人在外工作,父亲仍然被一些人认为是家庭中养家糊口的人。
- Family sizes have shrunk---today's parents have an average of only l.3 children and more mothers are working outside the home. 家庭规模缩小了--如今的一对父母平均仅拥有1.;3个孩子,而且更多的母亲在外工作。
- Black women, who have always worked outside the home in large numbers, now earn 95% as much as white women.But they are more likely to be sole breadwinners. 一直有大量的黑人妇女外出工作,目前她们的收入是白人女性的95%25,但她们通常都担当了家庭中养家糊口的角色。
- Lies about keeping a secret bank account and seeing friends on the sly were rated as more acceptable for wives than husbands, especially by women who worked outside the home. 关于拥有秘密银行账户或跟秘密地跟朋友见面若发生在妻子,尤其是那些在外工作的妻子身上则被认为更可接受。
- Married women who don't work outside the home are solidly Republican - a "turnout group." 并未外出工作的已婚女性是共和党的"铁杆支持者",这是一个庞大的群体。
- Mike: Because he is trying to be a star. It doesn't work outside the studio. 迈克:因为他正努力成为明星,但在演播室外这可行不通。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- It took us an entire week to finish painting the home. 它花去了我们整整一星期的时间才把房子粉刷好。