- working memory element 工作存储元
- What are the limits of working memory? 工作记忆的局限性是什么?
- For example, trouble with working memory. 例如,在工作记忆上的麻烦。
- Judicious forgetting is critical to the efficiency of working memory. 明智的忘却对工作记忆的效率很重要。
- The Storage Units in Visual Working Memory--Features or Objects? 视觉工作记忆中的储存单位--特征还是客体?
- This example shows that working memory is not a multi-tasker. 这个例子说明了 即时记忆 是不能多线程工作的。
- Maintaining situational awareness is a key function of working memory. 保持对情况的了解是工作记忆的一个重要的作用。
- Working Memory Span: Resource Constraint, Memory Decay or Switching Mechanism? 工作记忆广度:资源限制、记忆消退还是转换机制?
- An arrangement of memory elements in one or several planes. 数组一个或多个平面上排列的存储元素
- What do we mean by "working memory" as compared to long-term memory? 对比长期记忆,什么是我们指的"工作存储器"。
- The memory element represents the value of a digital bit, which depends on whether the magnetization of the upper and lower layers are aligned in parallel or oppose each other. 这个记忆单元代表一个位元值,由上下层的磁化方向是相同还是相反来决定。
- Memory is a scale indicating how much work memory should be allocated. memory用来指示要分配多少工作内存。
- Understanding that once you start training on live traffic one must concentrate on sharpening their working memory. 要明白,一旦你开始在真实的环境中开始训练,你就必须集中你的工作记忆。
- Working memory (or short-term memory) has been described as the mind's scratchpad. 工作记忆(或短期的记忆)已经被描述成是头脑中的一种暂存。
- If a phone number is considered to consist of seven digits or "items," it would fill up working memory. 如果一个电话号码被认为是由七个数字或单元组成的,那么工作记忆就会被装满。
- The study results show that these methods are very effective to solve BVP.Especially, the fixed-point method and the continuation method can save computing time and memory element. 结果表明,用初值问题方法求边值问题是非常有效的,特别是不动点方法和数值延拓技术具有工作量小、节省存储单元等优点。
- One way to clear working memory is to delete data blocks that are no longer needed. 清除工作记忆的一种方法就是删除那些已经没用的数据块。
- Working memory is constrained by a limited capacity to keep more than a few clusters of information active. 工作记忆被有限的能力约束,不然可以使更多的信息保持活跃。
- For example, working memory supports the controller's building and updating of the current and projected assessments of the ATC situation. 例如,工作记忆可以支持管制员的思维并更新当前和计划的对空中交通管制形势的估计。
- In the latter case the implied feedback loops will be contained within the memory elements themselves. 在后一种情况下,隐含的反馈回路包含在记忆元件的内部。