- VIP Room, Juxian Hall and Siji Hall are suitable for training and work session. 贵宾厅、贤厅和四季厅等会议室适合举办各类培训、作会议。
- As a way of introducing CVS, we'll go through a typical work session using CVS. 作为一种介绍cvs的方式,我们将使用cvs进行一次典型的工作会话。
- Always back up your work on diskette, and make a hard copy each time you end a long working session or finish a paper. 磁盘中的作业,自始至终都要备份,每次完成一个长篇作业或完成一篇论文时,都要打印一份。
- During the year Council held eight Council meetings and one working session for want of a quorum. 年内,本局共举行了八次局务会议及因法定人数不足而举行了一个工作会。
- You can set calculation to manual at all times, and then click Calculate Now one time during each work session. 可以一直将计算方式设置为手动,然后每隔一段工作时间单击一次“立即计算”。
- A list of default query processing options is established for the duration of a user's work session. 将针对用户工作会话的持续时间,建立一个默认查询处理选项的列表。
- An in class working session with more opportunity for professor and student feedback provides an opportunity for teams to refine their plans based on the draft presentation. 这节室内课,教授和学生有更多机会提出反馈意见,让各小组基于发表草稿来提炼他们的规划。
- If you create a local filter in a form or subform that already contained a filter from a previous working session, the new filter replaces the previous one. 如果在已包含以前会话中筛选的窗体或子窗体中创建新的本地筛选,新筛选将替换以前的筛选。
- If you use the toolbar button to change the setting, the change takes place immediately, but it only affects the current work session. 如果使用工具栏按钮更改设置,则更改将立即生效,但仅影响当前工作会话。
- For every worker in a grade A/B area, clean sterile (sterilised or adequately sanitised) protective garments should be provided at each work session. 在A/B级区域工作的各个岗位工作的人员,要穿戴洁净服(灭菌的或充分消毒的)。
- Try to have a follow up meeting to discuss these issues, or even better a working session where the EIR can help you come up with ways to improve your business plan. 尽量获得一个后续的会面来讨论这些问题,或者最好能让EIR一起参与帮你完善商业计划。
- Together, these SQL-92 standard SET options define the query processing environment for the duration of the work session of the user, a running trigger, or a stored procedure. 这些SQL-92标准的SET选项共同为用户工作会话持续时间、运行触发器或存储过程定义查询处理环境。
- State Council work session specifically requested Fourth ICAC : This year, all localities and departments should be operating transfer bidding auction system. 国务院第四次廉政工作会议明确要求:今年,各地区、各部门都要实行经营性土地出让招标拍卖制度。
- At a recent national conference of construction work session, 2001 "China Habitat Environment Prize" and "Chinese people living environment paradigm Award" published. 在日前召开的全国建设工作会议上,2001年“中国人居环境奖”和“中国人居环境范例奖”揭晓。
- Arriving in Whistler at the last minute, the US Secretary of State Powell immediately joined the other foreign ministers in the working session to discuss anti-terrorist operations, rising tensions in South Asia and the situation in Afghanistan. 美国国务卿鲍尔最后一刻抵达惠斯勒,立即加入其他国家外长举行工作会议,讨论反恐作业,南亚日渐紧张的局势,以及阿富汗情势。
- The processing level that occurs once when an operator starts a work station utility program. For the first display station operator, the work session begins when the job has been started. 当操作员启动工作站公用程序(WSU)时产生的处理级。对第一个显示站的操作员,当作业启动时,该工作会话便开始进行。
- During the year Council held seven Council meetings and two working sessions for want of a quorum. 年内,本局举行了七次局务会议及因法定人数不足而举行了两个工作会。
- During the year, the Council held six Council meetings and four working sessions for want of a quorum. 年内,法援局举行了六次法援局会议,及因法定人数不足举行了四个工作会。
- Hymn sessions also gave a brief and welcome pause to work sessions where everyone could fellowship and praise God in song. 在许多的写作时间之外,诗颂课程带来短暂的休息,并让我们能够藉著诗歌来歌颂神。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。