- working slope angle 工作帮坡角
- The biggest problem is calculating the seabed slope angle of the unknown seabed. 而对未知海底的倾斜角求解问题是解决波束角效应的难点之一。
- The main features of the system are piecewise linear gray level transformation, slope angle adjustment, mapping and normalization, feature distilling. 本系统主要特征是分段线性灰度变换、斜度调整、射归一、征提取。
- Based on the study of slope mode of slightly declined granular structure in Xingqiao,a new mode of safe-cleaning berm is designed for mining with steep working slope. 通过新桥缓倾斜散体结构边坡工程模式的研究,提出了基于陡帮开采的安全清扫平台新模式。新型结构包括设置凹沟,利用缓倾斜边坡的自然特征形成挡土墙。
- When spraying, Slope angle between the aerosolcan and horizon is over 45 degree. 喷涂时必须保持气雾罐正立且与水平面夹角不小于45度,以防止空喷。
- So, a new method for calculating the seabed slope angle called the differential method is put forward. 为此,针对单波束测量提出了一种实用的海底倾斜角差分算法。
- With aging, patients with OA maintained the lumbar lordotic angle and did not develop a posterior sacral slope angle. 但OA患者随着年龄增大,他们的腰椎前凸角保持不变,同时也不会出现骶骨后倾角。
- In view of special conditions in quarry the paper takes Gujingxiang side-hill quarry as an example,introducing cutting wall mining method based on mining with steeper working slope. 结合露天采石场的具体情况,以古井祥业石场山坡型露天矿为例,介绍了基于陡帮开采的切壁开采方法。
- Deficient floor slope angle of an ore body often needs to dig a drift (or access) in its footwall rock when adopting non-pillar sublevel caving following-vein excavation. 采用沿脉布置的无底柱分段崩落法,当矿体底板倾角不足时,需要在下盘岩石中开掘进路。
- Use cont rol theory of PID to carry out the cont rol of fin stabilizer , and simulate the slope angle of ocean wave and angle of roll by Matlab software. 用 PID 控制方法实现减摇鳍的控制,并用 Matlab软件对海浪的波倾角和船舶的横摇角进行仿真。
- It is considered that the unstability of the open pit slope is due to the mudization of rock,fracture destruction,crack ooze and greater slope angle designed. 作者认为,导致边坡的不稳定,主要是岩石泥化、断裂破坏、裂隙渗水,以及原设计边坡角偏大等原因。
- Experiments for testing the influence of slope angle, transmitting rate, diameter of banana cauloid and rotational rate of the cutter to the power are performed on this platform. 通过立式香蕉假茎切块试验台,进行了两转轴夹角、传送速度、香蕉假茎直径、切割器转速对功率的影响试验。
- These reseasch can provide provity point of reference for steepening slope angle, slope Stability evaluation, reinforcement and optimizational disign of slope shape. 以上研究对于加陡边坡角,边坡稳定性评价、加固和边坡形状力学优化设计都具有重要的参考价值。
- At the same time, the paper analyses sensitiveness of downstream slope angle and board thickness that influence the stability of concrete block, which offer the theory reference for concrete block protection design. 并对影响混凝土护板稳定的下游坡角度以及护板厚度进行敏感性分析,为混凝土护板设计提供理论参考。
- Three PLS equations have been set up, for which the dependent variable was slope angle and the independent variables were types of rock and soil, mechanics characters and physiognomy. 建立了坡角与岩体类型、力学性质、地形地貌之间的3个偏最小二乘回归方程。
- Based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge,the simple gradienter is designed.The gradienter uses the voltage of bridge circuit to show the variety of slope angle,and its precision can reach 10-4. 根据惠斯通非平衡电桥原理设计了简易水平测倾仪;该仪器通过桥路电压来表征倾角的变化;其测量精度可达10-4.
- The ripping factor depending on bedding slope angle can determine singlevalued relation between the state variate and load, and also benefits to the stability of rock mass slope with sheet crack. 而由坡角确定的剖分因子始终控制着系统状态变量与载荷的对应关系,并有利于边坡岩体结构的稳定。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- The reverse probing was carried out by using the expending method of critical sliding field, and the result show that both the safety factor and the optimum slope angle of waste-dump can be obtained. 再应用临界滑移场技术的扩展方法进行反向搜寻,不仅可以得到排土场边坡的安全系数,还能求得边坡的最佳设计坡角。