- That's quite true, but English is after all a world language. 确实如此,不过英语毕竟是一种世界性语言。
- In my view, English is a world language. 以我看,英语是一种世界语。
- Probably English can work as a world language. 也许英语可以作为世界语。
- That's quite true,but English is after all a world language. 确实如此,不过英语毕竟是一种世界性语言。
- English is now a world language,ie is used everywhere in the world. 英语现在是一种世界语。
- Chinese or Japanese may also become a world language. 中文或日语也可能成为世界语。
- English is now a world language, ie is used everywhere in the world. 英语现在是一种世界语。
- Well,English is a world language,and you need it to communicate with people from other countries. 因为英语是种世界通用语,和外国人交流需要它。
- Microsoft and Internet make it even more possible that English works as a world language. 微软和因特网更使之可能成为世界语。
- Well, English is a world language, and you need it to communicate with people from other countries. 因为英语是种世界通用语,和外国人交流需要它。
- Mr Graddol says the idea of English being supplanted as the world language is not fanciful. 葛拉多尔表示,英语作为世界语言的地位被取代,这种想法并非不切实际。
- English is a kind of world language whose history is also very long. From ancient English to the modern English, it experiences to turn into the process endlessly. 英语是一种世界语言,它的历史也非常悠久,从古英语到现代英语经历了漫长的演变过程。
- At present Java language is a language used in a extensive range,being called as "world language" in network. It support using SQL to access and manipulate relational database. Java语言是目前应用十分广泛的语言;被称为网络上的“世界语”;它也支持使用结构化查询语言(SQL)查询代码访问和操纵关系数据库.
- In this context, English has, in fact, already become a global language; thereby it's quite unnecessary to take the trouble to create another world language. 在此背景下,英语实际上已经成为一门国际性语言,因此,没有必要再费麻烦往创设另外一门全球性的语言了。
- If China faces a shortage of managers, the U.S. suffers from a shortage of language teachers, said Yulan Lin, who heads the world language program for Boston Public Schools. 波士顿公立学校世界语言项目负责人林语澜(音)说,中国面临经理人才短缺,而美国则饱受缺乏语言教学人才之苦。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- English is a world language. 是一种世界性语言。
- Under the impact of globalization, in which direction will the world languages and cultures develop? 摘要在全球化浪潮的冲击下,世界语言文化的发展将走向哪里?
- This language can be another "world language" like French, Spanish or German, or perhaps the languages of our Southeast Asian neighbours like Malay, Tagalog and Thai. 这个语文可以是另一个“世界语文”如法文、西班牙文和德文,或者是我们东南亚邻国的语文如马来文、他加禄(菲律宾)文和泰文。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。