- Bush's dream of a new world order hangs on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- Bush's dream of a new world order hang on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- Make me king, as we move toward a new world order. 随着我们迈向世界新秩序。
- CI: How does China view today's world order? 问:中国如何看待当前世界格局?
- Make me king,as we move toward a new world order. 世界属于我,因为夺走的一切使我成为其中的国王。
- The future world order would be "multipolar". 未来的世界秩序将是“多极”的。
- Do not participate in works of this New World Order. 不要参予这个新世界秩序的工作。
- The need for a merging world order that is peaceful is obvious. 我们需要一个和平的、融合的世界秩序,这是显而易见的。
- Multiplicity is the force base to construct new world order. 多极化是建立世界新秩序的力量基础。
- But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. 但是,很多发言人都警告说,世界秩序很脆弱。
- We hope to usher in a more secure, stable, peaceful and equitable world order. 我们希望创立一个更为安全、稳定、和平与平等的国际秩序。
- When the equilibrium of the gunas is disturbed, the world order evolves. 根拿斯的平衡被打破,世界的秩序会发展。
- The American imperium is the world order of today and for decades to come. 现在甚至未来几十年的世界秩序是美国帝权体系。
- The Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister who will lead the U.N. into the new world order defies categorization. 即将带领联合国跨入世界新秩序的埃及副总理究竟属于何许人,令人扑朔迷离。
- The apostle Paul described the whole world order as groaning and travailing in pain (Romans 8:22), like a woman waiting to be delivered of a child. 保罗曾把全世界的秩序描写成叹息、劳苦(罗马书8:22),就像妇女等待产子一样。
- According to this, when the Gods created the world order, they sacrificed a primeval being to Brahma (Lord of Creatures) . 据此解释,众神创造了世界秩序,他们把一个原始生命献祭给了梵天(造物主)。
- Search the web for this series of words: shortwave patriot new world order news. 在网络中查找这系列的词:短波爱国者新世界秩序新闻。
- Prachanda: The imperialist world order makes a handful of rich richer and the vast majority inhumanly poorer. 普:帝国主义的秩序创造出的是一小撮的富人和极大的过着非人道生活的穷苦人。
- For Beck, imposing a single world order is considered hegemonic at best and ethnocentric at worst. 在世界主义理论中,强制单一世界秩序的最好结果是霸权主义,最糟结果是民族优越感。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。