- world view of language 语言世界观
- This shows a synthetical world view of Chinese culture and a basic spirit of Chinese language. 这正体现出中国文化综合性的宇宙观和中国语言的基本精神。
- The tatara boat culture in Lanyu is the aggregation of physiology, psychology, economy, belief, and world view of the Tao people. 兰屿的大船文化,几乎是整个达悟民族从生理生计到心理信仰与宇宙观的集合体。
- Kennedy's third world policy represented a considerable break from the Washington world view of the fifties. 肯尼迪对第三世界的政策表明,同五十年代华盛顿对世界的看法相比,它已有相当大的改变。
- To explain the world view of Buddhism clearly, we should do it in two levels-the micro-world and the macro-world. 要完整地叙述佛教的世界观,就要从微观世界与宏观世界两个层面来讲。
- In all this, Disney undoes the dry “scientism” of the world view of contemporary societies. 如是这般,迪士尼破除了当代社会冷冰冰的“科学主义”世界观。
- Abstract: From the semiotic view of language, Ferdinand de Saussure puts foword two concepts: signifier and signified. 文章摘要: 索绪尔基于符号学语言观,提出了能指和所指的概念。
- The first film in the “Minamata series,” it marked a shift in interest away from constructivist style towards the world view of the subject. 这部作品作为土本的水俣系列的第一部,还标志着土本的创作风格和趣味,已经从构成主义向展现被摄者的世界观发生了转换。除了第一届世界环境电影节大奖之外,这部作品还获得很多奖项。
- Ecological revolution is an absolute revolution to human-centralism and practical view of anti-nature in traditional philosophical world view. 摘要生态革命是对传统哲学世界观的人类中心主义原则和“反自然”的实践观的彻底变革。
- His lecture covered various aspects of language. 他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
- And the imaginary animals of ancient times were not playthings but were symbols of the culture and world view of the Chinese people. 像在今天,儿童玩具以怪兽为题材的,佔了很大的部分,而且随著人类对太空知识的扩展,创造了无数的宇宙幻兽。
- The essence of language is communication. 语言的本质是沟通。
- As the first film of the “Minamata series,” it marked a shift in interest away from constructivist style towards the world view of the subject. 作为水俣系列的第一部,这部作品还标志着作者的兴趣由结构主义的风格向被拍摄者世界观的转换。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- From the view of modeern logic and philosophy of language, the Hume's problem can be eliminated, and scientific realism can be established in the realities of science. 从现代逻辑和语言哲学看,休谟问题是可消解的,而科学实在论正是在科学现实基础上得以成立。
- So we university students must set up a correct world view and view of life, and become, as we Chinese say, "benevolent and unworried, bold and unafraid. 既然当大学生,就应该树立正确的世界观、人生观,做到我们中国人说的仁者不忧、勇者不惧。
- His love of language inclined him towards a career as a translator. 他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作。
- From Dong Zhongshu's world view of nature-human telepathy, an interrelationship exists between nature and human beings and between the natural world and human society. 摘要董仲舒从天人同类、彼此感应的宇宙观出发,认为天与人、自然界与人类社会是相互联系的;
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language. 叙述清楚比语言优美更重要。