- My company mainly produces friction-MB series of planetary CVT machine, X-cycloid series reducer, WB series micro-cycloid reducer, RV.RT series Worm Gear reducer. 我公司主要生产MB系列行星摩擦式无级变速机,X系列摆线针轮减速机,WB系列微型摆线针轮减速机,RV.;RT系列蜗轮蜗杆减速机。
- PC series gear reducer NMRV Series Worm Gear Units PC系列轮蜗轮减速机与NMRV系列蜗轮蜗杆减速机组合
- Feasibility argumentation of 1580 thermal rolling worm gear reducer being applied in baosteel group corp 宝钢集团1580热轧蜗杆减速器国产化可行性论证
- worm gear reducer 蜗杆减速器
- enveloping worm gear reducer 球面蜗轮减速箱
- The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear. 螺纹蜗轮的刻有螺旋线的柄
- Planar double-enveloping worm gearing reducer technical specification GB/T16446-1996平面二次包络环面蜗杆减速器技术条件
- Reducers and worm gear sets can also be made. 减速器及蜗杆副。
- Our main production worm, gear reducer, as well as carpentry, construction, food for reducer, and various external bulk processing gear. 本厂主要生产蜗轮、齿轮减速机,以及木工、建筑、食品专用减速机,同时对外批量加工制造各种齿轮。
- Worm gear drive for continuous adjustment of the pitch. 连续调整节距用蜗轮驱动器。
- Produced by the company is divided into MB reducer series of CVT, WB, X, B-cycloid reducer, T, K, F, R, S Series of hard gear - gear reducer, RV worm reducer, etc.Series. 公司所生产的减速机共分MB系列无级变速机、WB、X、B摆线针轮减速机,T、K、F、R、S系列硬齿轮面-齿轮减速机,RV蜗轮减速机等系列。
- Intermeshed worm and worm gear provide precise driving without gaps. 蜗杆和涡轮组合传动精确无偏差。
- OUR professional Sales: sprocket, and chain, is gear, rack, bevel gear, worm, the worm, pulley, hand wheel, handles, small precision universal joints, couplings, the worm reducer, gear reducer. 本店专业销售:链轮,链条,正齿轮,齿条,伞齿轮,蜗轮,蜗杆,皮带轮,手轮,手柄,小型精密万向节,联轴器,蜗轮减速器,齿轮减速机。
- The original two stage reducer was the worm gear by Hindley U.S.Now the secondary plane envelope ring surface worm gear pair is used in substitute of the original one after the revamp. 二级减速原品采用的是美国产Hindley蜗杆传动。 经过改造后采用平面二次包络蜗轮副传动。
- It consists of a car-riage, a rotary gear reducer and a hoist gear reducer. 它由一个滑架、一个转动齿轮减速器和一个提升齿轮减速器组成。
- After that the washing machine gear reducer is designed abase on the principle. 在论文中,首先,对减速器作了简单的介绍;接着,阐述了减速器的设计原理和理论计算;
- The cycloidal equidistant-curve worm gearset is the new type of worm and worm gear transmission equipment. 摆线等距曲线蜗轩是一种新型的蜗杆传动。
- The bottom end of the shaft has a worm gear that rotates as the wheel is turned. 转向轴的底端有一个蜗轮传动装置,当蜗轮传动装置转动时,带动车轮转动。
- The antiwear was enhanced in L-CKE worm gearing oil with DAE. DAE在L CKE涡轮蜗杆油中使耐磨性增强 ;