- Analysis and Improvement of Casting Process for the Worm Gear Case 蜗轮箱体铸造工艺分析与应用
- , Ltd. of great brilliance of the rising sun of Yongjia county speciali zes in the valve drive.Various kinds of Zhyuan arrange the worm gear case. 我公司专业生产阀门驱动装置.;各种糸列蜗轮箱
- The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear. 螺纹蜗轮的刻有螺旋线的柄
- worm gear case casting 蜗轮箱体
- winch worm gear case bushing 绞车蜗轮轮壳衬套
- Reducers and worm gear sets can also be made. 减速器及蜗杆副。
- Worm gear drive for continuous adjustment of the pitch. 连续调整节距用蜗轮驱动器。
- Fuel oil purifier overhauled and cleaned, gear case oil renewed. 燃油分油机解体清洁,齿轮箱换油。
- Intermeshed worm and worm gear provide precise driving without gaps. 蜗杆和涡轮组合传动精确无偏差。
- The cycloidal equidistant-curve worm gearset is the new type of worm and worm gear transmission equipment. 摆线等距曲线蜗轩是一种新型的蜗杆传动。
- The bottom end of the shaft has a worm gear that rotates as the wheel is turned. 转向轴的底端有一个蜗轮传动装置,当蜗轮传动装置转动时,带动车轮转动。
- A gear sector is meshed with the worm gear; rotation of the worm gear causes the gear sector to rotate. 蜗杆齿带动齿扇转动,齿扇与蜗杆齿啮合,这使的与齿扇相连接的转向摇臂左右摆动。
- Check for scores, nicks or burrs on the rack piston finished surfacSlight wear is normal on the worm gear surfaces. 检查齿条活塞抛光表面是否有刮痕、刻痕或磨擦。涡轮表面的轻微磨损是正常的。
- The gear case integrated with decelerate and drive functino ,has reliable performance and long life. 使用减速;转动一体化齿轮箱;性能可靠;耐用.
- The antiwear was enhanced in L-CKE worm gearing oil with DAE. DAE在L CKE涡轮蜗杆油中使耐磨性增强 ;
- Vertical motion of the carriage is provided by a pulldown gear case coupled by two pinions to racks on the mast. 滑架的垂直移动是由一个下拉齿轮箱提供的,该下拉齿轮箱则通过两个小齿轮连接到支架上的齿条上。
- Special worm gear hobs with circular tooth, double pitch and involute etc, can also be ordered. 圆弧齿、双螺距、渐开线等特殊蜗轮滚刀也可以订货。
- Put new switch assembly (F) into gear case with actuating arms against quadrant gear. 用靠在伞形齿轮上的驱动臂将新的开关总成(F)放置进齿轮箱。
- A gear sector is meshed with the worm gear; rotation of the worm gear causes the gear sector to rotate. 蜗杆齿带动齿扇转动,齿扇与蜗杆齿啮合,这使的与齿扇相连接的转向摇臂左右摆动。
- Precision of gear of plant of 1680 ultrathin and intertropical gear 6 class, gear case hefts 180.65 tons. 1680超薄热带齿轮装置齿轮精度6级;齿轮箱重达180.;65吨。