- The worn surface morphology of ADZ ceramic was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. 结果表明:与去离子水相比,在小牛血清润滑条件下ADZ陶瓷的摩擦因数和磨损率降低。
- X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to identify the phases and microstructures of coating and worn surface. 采用X射线衍射仪和扫描电镜对陶瓷涂层结构和磨损表面进行观察分析。
- The worn surface morphologies of the composites and the Al alloy matrix were observed with a scanning electron microscope. 复合材料具有低的磨损率和稳定的摩擦因数,因此具有良好的耐磨性。
- The results of Mossbauer spectroscopy show that C and Me-free martensite in induced in the worn surface of the age-treated specimens. 穆斯堡尔谱分析表明,水韧处理试样的磨面诱发出无碳马氏体和合金马氏体。
- The worn surfaces were analyzed by SEM and EDX techniques. 分析了磨损表面的SEM形貌和EDX能谱。
- The worn surface topographies and the phase composition of WC-Co coatings have been analyzed using SEM and X-ray diffraction respectively. 利用电子显微镜观察涂层及其热处理后的组织形态,并用X射线衍射仪对涂层中的相组成进行了分析。
- This new process is suitable for mending the casting defects, worn surface, spalling and scratching of various forming dies, hot forging dies and plastic moulds. 这种技术适用于修补成型模具、热锻压模具及各种塑料模具的铸造缺陷、磨损、小面积局部剥落、损伤、划沟等。
- The excellent nano anti-friction self-repairing additives was prepared to achieve elementarily the self-repairing on the worn surface during the equipment worked. 发明并制备了性能优异的纳米减摩自修复添加剂,初步实现了在装备运行过程中对磨损部位的原位动态自修复。
- In order to prevent surface wear of mechanical equipment and parts and repair worn surface during longtime operation,a new type of metal wear self-repair materials was developed. 为预防机械装备和机械零件表面的磨损及修复长期运转中已磨损的机件摩擦表面,开发出了一种新型金属磨损自修复材料。
- A flexible pavement has a wearing surface which is often only 5 cm thick. 柔性路面的磨耗层往往只厚5厘米。
- The paper studied the fault mechanism of the automotive engine timing chain as well as the worn surface morphology of the rubbing pair of bush and pin and roller based on the analysis of test. 为了提高国产正时链条的性能;研究了05BT-1汽车发动机正时链的磨损失效机理以及销轴、套筒和滚子等元件摩擦表面的磨损形貌特征.
- The method of scanning the worn surface with SEM to study rubber abrasion has subjective and accidental factor, therefore the different viewpoint of mechanisms of rubber by a line contact appears. 由于用扫描电镜观察橡胶磨损后的表面形貌的研究方法带有一定的主观偶然的因素,使得目前对橡胶线接触磨粒磨损机理看法不一。
- High temperature tribological behaviors of superfine kaolin in colza oil were tested with SRV machine,and wear surface was observed by surface profiler. 采用多功能SRV试验机考察了超细高岭土在菜籽油中的高温摩擦学性能,并利用表面轮廓仪对试块的磨损表面形貌进行观察。
- The development of tribology has shown a new direction,that is,the research on self-repairing of wear surface besides the traditional researches of friction and wear. 摩擦学的发展已将摩擦磨损的研究从抗磨减摩扩展到磨损表面的自修复甚至是零磨损。
- The grout is installed after final adjustment and installation of the roadway wearing surface. 灌浆是在最终调整和安装桥面磨耗层以后进行的。
- The molar ratio of carbon to silicon on the worn surface of composite C is higher than 1, which indicates that carbon friction film can easily form with good lubrication to decrease the COF. 而材料C磨损表面的碳硅摩尔比大于1,使其有足够的炭形成自润滑膜,从而降低材料的摩擦因数。
- In the paper, we studied the failure mechanism of the au tomotive engine timing chain as well as the worn surface morphology of the rubbi ng pair of bush and pin and roller by analysis and test. 通过试验与分析 ,研究了汽车发动机正时链的多冲特性、失效机理以及销轴、套筒和滚子等元件摩擦表面的磨损形貌特征。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- The nanoparticles morphology and distribution on worn surfaces were analyzed by atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). 用原子力显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察分析在磨损表面纳米粒子的形态与分布。
- The poor old man shuffled off in his worn shoes. 这位可怜的老人穿希破烂不堪的鞋子一步一拖地走。