- I'll give you a formal written notice in a month. 一个月内我会给你正式的通知。
- I'll issue you a formal written notice in a month. 一个月内我就会给你正式的辞退令。
- Publishes the design change written notice,Renewal blueprint. 出设计更改通知书,更新图纸。
- The Written Notice will specify the basis for the setoff. 书面通知要把账目抵消依据列入清单。
- This Agreement may be terminated by IB upon thirty-day written notice to SNC. 本协议可由代理提前三十天向SNC发送书面通知而终止。
- It is renewed automatically for one more year, unless the parties give a written notice six month before its expiry. 自动续约一年,除非双方在协议到期前六个月提出书面解约申请。
- If the application is denied, the applicant shall receive a written notice in which reasons for denial are provided. 不予核准开业的,应书面通知申请人并说明理由。
- Such written notice shall be accompanied by the agenda and the materials included in the request for meeting. 书面通知还应附此次会议的议事日程以及要求召开临时会议的提议中所载的其他材料。
- A written notice shall be sent out within five days from the date when the criminal is put in prison. 通知书应当自收监之日起五日内发出。
- The employer should also provide the Director of Immigration with a copy of the written notice of termination. 雇主并须向入境事务处处长提供有关终止合约通知书的副本。
- During the Option Period, the Purchaser may terminate this Agreement with a written notice to the Seller. 选择期间,买方可书面通知卖方终止本协议。
- This Agreement can be terminated prematurely, without written notice, only for justifiable reasons. 本协议只有在有正当理由前提下,可不经书面通知被强行终止。
- When appointing and replacing directors, a written notice shall be submitted to the board and the other party. 甲、乙方在更换董事人选时,应事先书面通各董事会和另一方。
- Any such termination shall be applicable only after written notice to Buyer, and only to transactions having their inception prior to such date. 对担保的终止应在书面通知买方后始适用,并且仅适用于在终止日前已经开始的交易。
- Article 62 The insured or the applicant may change the beneficiary by a written notice to the insurer. 第六十二条被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。
- During the course of examination, it shall give applicant a written notice of the check conclusion. 在审查过程中,所在地银监会派出机构应将验收结果书面通知申请人。
- Before the proclamation of written notice to revoke the authorization, the power of attorney is effective. 在撤销授权的书面通知以前,本授权书一直有效。
- The Company is entitled to change margin requirements without prior Written Notice in the case of Force Majeure Event. 在不可抗力发生的情况下,公司有权未经事先书面通知边改变保证金要求。
- If it disapproves the licensing, it shall give the applicant a written notice and make an explanation. 不予许可的,应当书面通知申请人并说明理由。
- If it disapproves, it shall give a written notice to the applicant and shall make an explanation. 不予批准的,应书面通知申请人并说明理由。