- They have been wrongly informed. 他们得到的消息不正确。
- Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed. 让我这个目击者来告诉他们所发生的事情, 也免得以讹传讹。
- I am an eyewitness. Let me go and tell them so that they will not be wrongly informed. 我是亲眼看见的,让我去对他们说说,免得以讹传讹。
- They had unintentionally provided wrong information. 他们无意中提供了错误的信息。
- The president lashed out at his advisors for the wrong information. 主席因消息错误而以猛烈之言词抨击其顾问们。
- We were wrongly informed. 我们得到不正确的消息。
- "The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader. “政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。
- Dana is inviting her friend for a Thanksgiving meal but she has written some wrong information in the letter. 达娜打算邀请她的朋友来参加感恩节聚餐。但是她在信里写了一些错误的信息。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- It was painful to admit that I was wrong. 要我承认错了,是很费力的。
- Wrong information always shown by the media, negative images is the main criteria. 媒体总是传递错误的信息,主流标准是消极的形象。
- About 50% of dietitians agree that the public may receive some wrong information through internet. 约有半数全体营养师认为认为民众会接收到错误的网路资讯。
- Only a few of my friends were informed about it. 这件事只有我的几个朋友知道
- Also given wrong information and the wrong types, so as to enhance the understanding of syntax analysis. 同时给出出错信息和错误类型,从而加深对语法分析的理解。
- He acted wrongly and without scruple. 他做了错事毫不内疚。
- In a redundant switched network it is possible for switches to learn the wrong information. 在备援的交换网路中,交换器是有可能学习到错误的资讯。
- The government tried to pull the wool over our eyes with this report, but we know the results are based on wrong information. 政府当局想用这份报告欺骗我们,但是我们知道报告所根据的资料都是错的。
- I have cited a few examples to show that it is not uncommon for Singaporeans to be completely ignorant, know a little, or possess wrong information about our history. 这只是几个例子,对自己国家的历史几乎是一无所知,或所知甚少,所知有误,这是一个普遍现象。
- Please check carefully and the Bank will not be liable for any delay or mistakes caused by wrong information provided herein or unclear writing. 请仔细核对所填写内容,银行将不承担任何因表格填写错误或者字迹不清而引起错误或者延误的责任。
- Keep me informed of fresh developments. 随时告诉我新的发展。