- xanthomatosis iridis 虹膜黄瘤病
- Regression of rubeosis iridis seas 70.4%. 虹彩新生血管消退者佔70.;4%25。
- Could steroids mask the diagnosis of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis? 激素会妨碍脑腱黄瘤病的诊断吗?
- Neovascular glaucoma or rubeosis iridis developed in five eyes (83%). 有五个病例(83%25)发生新生血管性青光眼或虹膜新生血管。
- The proband exhibits congenital severe sensorineural hearing loss, heterochromia iridis and facial freckles. 其他家系成员除一名仅表现为先天性耳聋外, 均表现为颜面、上肢雀斑和/或早白发。
- Conclusion ERG testing by a fairly high level flash intensity can be used for patients with glaucoma and synechia iridis. 结论一定强度闪光可用于青光眼患者和虹膜粘连患者的erg测定。
- But it may increase postoperative complications such as anterior chamber fibrin formation, posterior synechiae and rubeosis iridis. 但术后前房炎症反应、虹膜后粘连、虹膜新生血管及眼压升高等并发症较高,需严格掌握手术适应证。
- Conclusion:The patients suffering from cataract with synechia iridis posterior should be operated and implanted intraocular lenses.The effect is reliable. 结论:并有虹膜后粘连的白内障应施行手术治疗,并可植入人工晶体,术后效果可靠。
- Two hundred and forteen eyes that underwent vitrectomy were analyzed to determine the postoperative incidence of rubeosis iridis and neovascular glaucoma. 摘要本文报告214眼接受坦部玻璃体切除术后引起虹膜新生血管及血管增殖性青光眼的发生率。
- Keywords xanthomatosis;nodosity;aortic stenosis; 黄瘤病;结节性;主动脉瓣狭窄;
- biiliary hypercholesterolemic xanthomatosis 胆汁性高胆固醇血症性黄瘤病
- layer of iris pigment stratum pigmenti iridis 虹膜色素层
- essential hyperlipemic xanthomatosis 特发性高脂血, 特发性高脂血性黄色瘤, 伯-格二氏病
- nonfamilial normolipoproteinemic xanthomatosis 非家族性正常脂蛋白血症性黄瘤病
- chronic idiopathic xanthomatosis 克里斯琴氏病,慢性特发性黄瘤病
- normal cholesteremic xanthomatosis [医] 正常胆甾醇血性黄瘤病
- normolipoproteinemic xanthomatosis 正常脂蛋白血症性黄瘤病
- circulus arteriosus iridis major 虹膜动脉大环
- circulus arteriosus iridis minor 虹膜小动脉环,虹膜动脉小环
- familial hypercholesterolaemic xanthomatosis 家族性高胆固醇血症性黄瘤病