- Year in and year out they went hunting together. 他们每年都一起打猎。
- John wears the same old suit,year in and year out. 年复一年,约翰穿着同一套旧衣服。
- John wears the same old suit, year in and year out. 年复一年,约翰穿着同一套旧衣服。
- Some plants flower year in and year out. 有些植物一年到头都开花。
- The old farmer works in the fields year in and year out. 那位老农年复一年在地里劳动。
- Old Joe toils year in and year out on his small patch of land. 老乔一年到头都在他那一小块地里辛勤劳作。
- My father sits at his desk writing his book year in and year out. 我父亲一年到头总坐在写字台旁写他的书。
- The old man does morning exercises in the park year in and year out. 那位老人到公园去做早操,一年到头总不间断。
- If Wang can be in the contention of winning Cy Young year in and year out what would that speak for Wang itself? 如果王建民在未来几年的表现仍能处在赛扬奖的竞争行列中,自然能为他自已发声。
- He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year in and year out. 他记得这位苏联领导人,当时一年四季每天都穿着同一条裤子。
- The serfs engaged in hard labor year in and year out and yet had no guaranteed food or clothing. Often they had to rely on money borrowed at usury to keep body and soul together. 农奴成年累月地辛勤劳动,却连温饱也得不到保障,经常要靠借高利贷勉强糊口。
- Engel's coefficient in the region year in and year out in 1995 from 48.2% to 44.85% in 2000. 全区恩格尔系数逐年降低,由1995年的48.;2%25降到2000年的44
- Now imagine working that HARD year in and year out, only to be rewarded with an inept supporting cast and an early exit out of the playoffs. 想想在那些艰难的岁月和出局的年头,从来都是得不到队友足够的支援,永远都是早早地离开季后赛。
- Luogang's terrain of undulating hills is a regular tourist route year in and year out because of its beauty of mountains and creeks. 历代文人墨客前来游览,吟风弄月,留下不少佳话。
- Reach for light adorn with festoons, wel-come good fortune happily arrive New Year, set off firecrackers, wish the beautiful year in and year out, happiness. 新年来到,张灯结彩双喜迎接福临家门。燃放爆竹,祈望年年美好快乐。
- The Workman's Compensation How can someone, hour after hour, day after day, year in and year out, tighten approximately the same nut to the same bolt and not go mad? 工作者的补偿一个人怎么能时复一时,年复一年地把几乎相同的螺帽拧到相同的螺栓上而不发疯的呢?
- Day by day, year in and year out, the products inherit VERITAS remarkable characteristic all the time: Simple individual character, move without publicizing efficaciously. 日复一日,年复一年,产品始终秉承VERITAS卓越的特性:简单个性,灵动而不张扬。
- Year in and year out on the hoof, the defoliation returns a root, 1 layer contain 1 layer, covering up finally in oneself the defoliation of the whole life. 一年又一年地活着,落叶归根,一层有一层,最后埋在自己一生的落叶里。
- Shanghai, a city of reminiscence &modern;a city with oriental perception &the international agitations, now is attracting clusters of visitors from home &abroad year in and year out. 它既怀旧又摩登,既富东方神韵又融国际元素,每年,这座东西方文化交汇的国际大都市吸引了众多国内外的游客。
- Take spiritual whole body covered with wounds bitterness bitterness flounder year in and year out, I dullly finish university, close behind be seek work, failure, then again success. 带着心灵上的遍体鳞伤苦苦挣扎了一年又一年,我索然无味地大学毕业,紧接着就是找工作,失败了,然后又成功了。