- After forty years of service, Tom was suddenly let out. 汤姆服务了40年,突然被解雇。
- The company dumped him after many years of service. 他为公司服务了很多年但公司却随便地抛弃了他。
- Jane: Maybe a plaque honoring his years of service. 阿珍?也许可以送他一块匾额表彰他多年来的贡献。
- The apprenticeship requires three years of service. 学徒三年满师。
- After ten years of service, they gave him the boot. 他干了十年,却被他们一脚踢开了。
- This pen of mine has already seen ten years of service. 我这支钢笔已用了十年了。
- This overcoat of mine has already seen five years of service. 我这件大衣已经穿了五年之久。
- CEO Paul Beal, retired from John Deere after 28 years of service . 首席执行官PAULBEAL在美国约翰迪尔公司服务28年后退休。
- They are paid more because of their long years of service. 由于工作年限较长,他们的工资要高一点。
- This overcoat of mine has already seen ten years of service. 这件大衣已穿了整整10年了。
- After forty years of service,Tom was suddenly let out. 汤姆服务了40年,突然被解雇。
- The men were deactivated after five years of service. 服役五年后,这些人复员了。
- She was invited to a formal dinner for her years of service. 因她多年的服务,她被邀请出席一次正式的晚宴。
- Almost invariably he had risen from the ranks after years of service. 他几乎是在工作多年后才发迹。
- The director will be presented with a memento for his long years of service. 主管因为公司效力多年将获赠予纪念品。
- Aloha Airline says it's shutting down after more than 60 years of service. 从事航空业60多年的阿罗哈航空公司表示即将歇业。
- Employees with more than 10 years of service were eligible for retirement. 工作年限在10年以上的员工有退休资格。
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 丰年时人人都吃得饱。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- Promotion will go by length of service. 晋升以服务年限为准。