- The compassionate judge give the young offender a light sentence. 慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。
- The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days. 这个少年犯不得不被关押十天听候审理。
- The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence. 慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。
- The courts are coming down heavily on young offenders. 法庭从严惩处年轻罪犯。
- The constable said he would not press charges against the young offender but that the chief inspector wanted to see him for a heart-to-heart talk. 警察说他不会对那少年犯起诉,不过监察长起同他谈一下。
- The judge has the power to remand young offenders to the special home until their case be heard. 法官有权把青少年犯关押在青少年拘留所直到听证会开始。
- Reclaim young offenders from a life of crime. 挽救失足少年脱离犯罪生活。
- The provincial capital 110 policemen, the passenger depot staff are also broadminded to this young offender, for him a start with a clean slate opportunity. 省会110巡警、客运站职工也对这名失足青年宽宏大量,给他一个改过自新的机会。
- The young offender was spared. 那个年轻的罪人却得到宽赦。
- Researches of young delinquents'family status?societal background as well as academic performances are being carried out?which is done between the period after the young offender commit a crime and before sentencing. 其中调查工作是在青少年犯被判刑之前进行,主要包括他们的家庭地位,社会背景以及受教育的程度。
- The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders. 法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。
- As for the function of help and education?it would be done after the Court sentences a young offender to a set term of imprisonment or on probation?or to serve sentence outside the prison under surveillance. 而在青少年犯被判监禁、缓刑或狱外监视期间,工作的侧重点则转向帮助和教育方面。
- To monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation. 警察利用电子牌监控被判缓刑的年轻犯人的行踪。
- I think the courts are too soft with these young offenders. 我认为法院对这些犯法的年轻人太宽厚了。
- It's better to err on the side of tolerance (ie be too tolerant rather than too severe) when dealing with young offenders. 对待失足的青少年宁可失之过宽(宁过宽而勿过严).
- Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders. 使从事有意义的劳动是管理少年犯的重要方法。
- It's better to err on the side of tolerance when dealing with young offenders. 对待失足的青少年宁可失之过宽.
- The courts were asked to adopt a more flexible approach to young offenders. 人们要求法庭采取更加灵活的方式对待年轻罪犯。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation. 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。