- zero dynamic pressure 零动压
- The constant reactive power excitation control strategy is deducted using nonlinear zero dynamic method and the system stability under this control strategy is verified. 推导了使用非线性零动态方法实现的发电机恒无功励磁控制规律,并对采用这种控制规律后,系统的稳定性做了详尽的分析。
- Gusts can cause variations in the test section dynamic pressure, and in the distribution of dynamic pressure across the test section. 阵风会使试验段动压和试验段截面动压分布发生变化。
- The Quasi dynamic pressure calibration system is a dynamic pressure generator,used in calibrating measuring device for the pressure in bore. 准动态压力标定系统是用于膛压测量器材进行准动态标定的动态压力发生器。
- For the velocity survey the pitot-static tube is moved around the jet, and the dynamic pressure is measured at numerous stations. 为了测量速度,可把皮托静压管放在试验段内各个地方并测量多点上的动压。
- The dynamic pressure on pattern wall can reflect indirectly the compaction degree of sand during the course of filling and compaction of sand on EPC. 消失模铸造干砂充填紧实过程中,干砂对模型壁的动态压力可间接反映此处干砂的紧实程度。
- Exerting dynamic pressure on the astral body, while in trance, FORCES the energy body to expand and the chakras to open. 对星体躯体施加动力压力,同时在恍惚状态中迫使能量身体扩张并打开脉轮。
- Then a zero dynamical nonlinear invertible communication scheme with chaos driving is proposed. 在此基础上,提出了一种基于混沌驱动的零动态可逆离散非线性混沌通信系统。
- Local and transient reconnection in the plasma boundary layer may be caused by impact and sudden stop of the non-homogeneous dynamic pressure. 摘要在非均匀动压冲击期间和冲击突然停止,可引起等离子体边界层的局部瞬时重联过程。
- Regular affine nonlinear singular systems are shown to be asymptotically stabilizable if the zero dynamics are stable. 最后证明了对于正则仿射非线性奇异系统,当其零动态渐近稳定时,该系统可通过反馈控制实现系统的稳定化。
- Clearing the mind and exerting, one pointed, dynamic pressure on the astral body, forces the reduction of brain wave activity. 排除杂念并集中于一点对星体躯体施加动力压力,迫使脑波活动降低。
- The analysis of the system internal dynamics shows that the stability of the zero dynamics guarantees the stability of the control system. 通过分析系统的内部动态,证明了零动态的稳定性能保证控制系统的稳定性。
- This ROPE will be used to exert dynamic pressure at a single point on your astral body to force its separation from the physical. 运用这根绳子对你的星体身体在一个点上施加动力的压力,以迫使它与肉身分离。
- The results indicate that the bearing can construct full oil film lubrication and the dynamic pressure effect improves the bear... 结果表明,该支承可以建立起全膜润滑,动压效应的存在提高了支承的承载能力。
- Symmetries of zero dynamics of nonlinear systems are studied in this paper.A zero dynamics of a nonlinear system with symmetries is shown to have symmetries. 研究非线性系统零动态的对称性,证明了,如果非线性系统具有对称性,那么,它的零动态也具有对称性。
- The results show that the type of sensitization agent has a very effect on the desensitization of emulsion explosives under dynamic pressure. 结果表明,敏化剂的类型对乳化炸药动压下的减敏作用影响很大,在相同动压作用后的膨胀珍珠岩敏化的乳化炸药的减敏程度,大于玻璃微球敏化的乳化炸药。
- The dynamic pressure distribution on the gate was different from the hydrostatic pressure distribution. The dynamic pressure was negative at the top of upper gate. 作用在闸门面板上的动水压强分布不同于静水压强分布,在闸门顶部产生负压区。
- It has better morphosis and function of cartilage tissues which come from chondrocyte cultured in dynamic pressure and composited with macromolecu-lar materials. 在动态压力下培养软骨细胞,与高分子支架材料复合培养形成的软骨组织具有更好的形态和功能。
- The zero dynamics were divided into several types, and the relations between the zero dynamics of general nonlinear system and that of its adjoint system norm were discussed by using functional analysis. 摘要将零动态分为几种类型,运用泛函分析等工具,研究了一般非线性系统与其作为仿射非线性的系统的伴随系统的零动态之间的关系。
- Exerting dynamic pressure on the astral body while the energy body is in its expanded, vibrational state forces the astral body to separate from the physical. 对星体躯体施加动力压力,同时能量体处于扩张状态,振动状态迫使星体躯体与肉身分离。