- zeros of polynomial equation 方程的根
- We propose a new algorithm for a sample and all Nash equilibria by using heuristic search in game supports and the solution techniques of polynomial equation systems. 摘要应用搜索博弈支持集和方程组求解技术,提出了一个计算单一和全部纳什均衡点的启发搜索方法。
- finding roots of polynomial equation 高次代数方程求根
- We construct the sparse eigenvalue by means of the sparsity of polynomial equations in this paper, and prove its equivalence theorem. 摘要利用多项式方程组的稀疏性构作相应的特徵值,给出并证明其等价性定理。
- This paper discusses the relation between zeros of polynomials and eigenvalues of companion matrices,and some bounds for the zeros of polynomials are obtained. 本文从多项式零点与矩阵特征值的关系出发,由矩阵特征值的性质给出了三种多项式零点界限的估计式。
- The zero of potential energy is arbitrary. 零势能的定义是任意的。
- zeros of polynomial 多项式零点
- all zeros of polynomial 多项式全部零点
- The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation. 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数
- Equation for stopband transmission zeros of such lowpass filter is derived from a new equivalent circuit model. 本文基于新的等效电路模型,推导出了此类低通滤波器的阻带传输零点位置。
- In this paper,A method is introduced to expand the determinat algebraically to result in a scalar polynomial equation for the eigenvalues. 本文将其伴随矩阵代数展开产生一组代数方程来确定特征值。
- No one has yet been able to produce the absolute zero of temperature. 还没有人能产生绝对零度。
- An analytical expression for determining singularity configuration which is a polynomial equation is set,and the numeric symbolic manipulating technique is introduced in the paper. 建立了一种混联型虚拟轴机床主进给机构位置分析的输入输出方程,并推导出奇异位形判别的解析表达式。
- By companion matrix of polynomial gave one necessary and sufficient conditions of two polynomial having common roots, according to the above gives one method to solute dual higher order equation. 摘要利用多项式的伴侣阵给出两多项式有公共根的一个充要条件,并据此给出解二元高次方程的一种方法。
- No one has as yetbeen able to produce the absolute zero of temperature. 还没有人能产生绝对零度。
- zero of the Chebyshev polynomial Chebyshev零点
- Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。