- zink dural 含锌硬铝
- Zink trademark, the moding fee is... 锌合金商标;开模费.....
- He had blamed Jama and Zink and Potipher. 这得怪贾马、津克和波第弗。
- Change the Zink block of cathodic Protection. 换阴极保液用的锌棒。
- Photo of in the new edition of Zink. 杰西卡阿尔巴照片中的锌的新版本。
- The dural is the fin tissue covering the inside of the skull. 硬脑膜是覆盖在颅骨里面的鳍状物组织。
- Tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulae are rare clinically. 小脑幕脑膜动静脉瘘临床上比较少见。
- The largest dural area at the L5/S1 level was in sitting extended. L5/S1水平最大的硬脊膜区域出现在长时间坐位时。
- And you see how Creoles zink of our brave Beauregard and of your General Lee. 那时他是个六英尺多高的英俊小伙子,从医学院休学参加了骑兵部队。
- Conclusion The venous sinuses of the dural mater can be classified i... 各组窦均有各自主要的引流区域,且各组窦之间有大量的交通支。
- Objective To explore the pathogenesis of dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF). 目的探讨硬脑膜动静脉瘘(DAVF)的发病机理。
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of axial load on lumbar dural sac. 目的:实验拟探讨轴向负荷对腰椎硬膜囊的影响。
- Companies specializing in various brass, aluminum , iron and zink alloy for the development and production. 公司,专业从事各种铜,铝,铁和锌合金的开发和生产。
- Dural repairs were done through an intradural approach via single frontal craniotomy. 从额骨处做开颅术,经硬脑膜内做脑膜修复。
- Zink is an international fashion magazine with regular features on modern art, beauty supplies, health, and the latest clothing designs and trends. 流行时尚杂志的代表;让您轻松塑造出自己亮丽的外型;感觉到时尚在我身.
- Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation. 手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。
- The private equity firm also invests in ZINK Imaging, the company that makes the paper used in the Polaroid PoGo referenced earlier. 这个私人股权公司也投资于ZINKImaging公司,这家公司生产使用于先前所提到的PolaroidPoGo相机的用纸。
- Key words: dural tear, degeneratie lumbar surgery, repair, reoperation, complication. 关键词:硬膜囊破裂,退变性腰椎手术,修补,再手术,并发症。
- Objective To study the etiology, clinical f eatures and particular radiology of dural venous sinus thrombosis (DVST). 目的 研究颅内静脉窦血栓形成的病因、临床特点、特别是影像学的表现。
- ObjectiveTo discuss the intervention therapy of dural venous sinus thrombosis(DVST ). 目的 探讨硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成 (DVST)的血管内介入治疗。