- The zodiacal constellation Sagittarius represents the centaur Chiron. 冬日的一轮红日下站立着无所畏惧的射手。
- Except for Aries, Libra is the only zodiacal constellation that boasts not a single Messier object. 若不是有白羊座,天秤座就是黄道带中唯一的非单体星云团了。
- Libra is now the only zodiacal constellation that doesn't represent a living thing. 天秤座现在仅仅是黄道带的一部分,并没有任何鲜活的代表和象征了。
- The zodiacal constellation Sagittarius represents the centaur Chiron.Most of the centaurs were regarded in myth as bestial--they were, after all, half horse. 在遥远古希腊的大草原中,驰骋着一批半人半兽的族群,这是一个生性凶猛的族群。
- The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox. 十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。
- First, the zodiacal constellations are the backdrop for the pathway of the sun around our sky each year. 首先,黄道带的星群就是太空中每年太阳运行轨迹的背景图。
- They are constellation of Hollywood talent. 他们是好莱坞的一群才俊。
- zodiacal constellation 黄道星座
- A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation. 星群,星座比星座小的一簇星星
- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. 显微镜座南半球星空的一个星座
- Furthermore, a thirteenth constellation, Ophiuchus, is also in the Zodiac now. 此外,黄道现在不只跨过十二个星座,还跨过第十三个星座蛇夫座。
- The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future. 十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。
- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Leo and Gemini. 巨蟹星座北半球狮子座和双子座附近的一个星座
- A constellation is a stellar system. 一个星座就是一个恒星星系。
- My chinese zodiacal year or my year. 我跟外国人说都这么说的。
- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus. 巨爵座南天球的一个星座,位于长蛇座和乌鸦座附近
- The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫
- The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 室女宫天文学上的黄首宫的第六宫
- A binary star in the constellation Canis Minor. 南河三小犬座的一颗双星
- A constellation near Canis Major and Canis Minor. 麒麟星座大犬星座和小犬星座附近的一个星座