- zoo - raised wild animals 园养野生动物
- When the streets and alleyways are full of mangy, abandoned canines, which are relatively easy to keep, "What right do we have to raise wild animals, which can create even more problems? 那些目前不担心绝种的动物,有人想养,则不需太严格限制。
- Wild animals like this don't belong in a zoo. 这样的野生动物不应放在动物园里。
- The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo. 野生动物关在动物园的小笼子里。
- The zoo staff member could no longer endure seeing wild animals being raised in such poor conditions and taken care of by inexperienced vets. 动物园的工作人员再也不忍看到这些野生动物在这样差的环境下生活,还由一些没有经验的兽医照看着。
- Wild animals don't breed well in captivity. 野生动物圈养时不好繁殖。
- Tracking wild animals requires great stealth. 跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。
- Investigation into the Causes of the Repeated Parasite Infection of Zoo- raised Wild Animals 园养野生动物寄生虫重复感染原因的调查
- They lit a fire to keep wild animals off. 他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近。
- My friends suggested Panyu Xiangjiang Wild Animals Zoo. 我朋友建议我去香禺香江野生动物园。
- A collection of live wild animals on exhibition. 动物展览活的野生动物的展览
- Is It Correct to Eat the "Wild Animals" Raised by People? 饲养的"野生"动物究竟该不该吃?
- Birds and wild animals often pair in the spring. 鸟类和兽类常在春天求偶。
- The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia. 豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物。
- Suddenly the wild animal charged at us. 突然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。
- They were caught poaching wild animals. 他们因捕猎野生活动而被捕。
- Sportsmen hunt wild animals in Africa. 运动员们猎取非洲的野兽。
- They potted at small wild animals in the wood. 他们射击树林里的小野兽。
- Wild animals are out of their element in cages. 野生动物不习惯笼中生活。
- A wild animal will sometimes freeze in its tracks when it smells an enemy. 野生动物有时候在嗅到敌人临近时会突然动也不动地站住。