- zooidal fascicle 个虫束(动)
- What I found was a photocopied fascicle resting on her bureau. 我看见放在她书桌上被影印了的诗集分卷。
- Spines leafless; flowers in a fascicle or solitary; stamens 10, in 2 whorls. 刺多叶,很少无叶;花生于总状花序,很少单生或;雄蕊超过10,数轮。(2
- A feeding zooid in a hydroid colony having an oral opening surrounded by tentacles. 水螅体水螅群体的一营养个体,有一周围生有触须的口部
- Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald,the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance. 林中矿地附近长着一丛丛野蔷薇,第一朵花开放了粉红粉红的,芳香扑鼻。
- Objective To evaluate the treatment outcome of nerve fascicle transfer for treatment of brachial plexus root avuls ion. 目的观察应用神经束移位治疗臂丛神经根性撕脱伤的效果。
- One of the distinct individuals that join to form a compound or colonial animal;a zooid. 群体动物的个体形成集合或群体动物的完全不同的个体;单一个体
- Inflorescence an axillary fascicle, 1- to several flowered;pedicels ca. 2 mm, filamentous, with several bracteoles. 花序为腋生束簇,1到数花花梗长约2毫米,丝状,有数枚小苞片。
- There are three kinds of life: the vegetant life, the zooid life, and the rational life. 生命有三种,即植物性生命,其功能现象是营养,生长、繁殖。
- Inflorescence an axillary fascicle with 10-25 male flowers and 1 (rarely more) female flower. 花序为腋生束簇,具10-25雄花和1(很少更多)雌花。
- One of the distinct individuals that join to form a compound or colonial animal; a zooid. 群体动物的个体形成集合或群体动物的完全不同的个体;单一个体
- Inflorescence an axillary fascicle, bisexual with 1 male and 2 or 3 female flowers. 花序为腋生束簇,两性,具1雄花和2或3雌花。
- Male flowers: stamens 4-fascicled, fascicle stalk short, anthers 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent. 雄花雄蕊4簇生,短的束簇柄,花药2室,室纵向开裂。
- Each zooid has a specific role and together they function as if it were an animal. 看着他不慌不忙的态度,我这才放下心来。
- Inflorescence an axillary fascicle, male usually 2-6-flowered along proximal part of branchlets. 花序为腋生束簇,雄花通常2-6生于小枝的下半部。
- Plant a rhizomatous herb; stamens 9 (3 per fascicle), filaments united for 1/2 or 2/3 of their length; petals white or pink; leaves with glandular dots only. 植株一根状茎的草本;雄蕊9(每束簇3),去1/2的或的花丝合生其长度;花瓣白色或粉红色仅叶具腺点。
- XIA Shun-ren, LU Wei-xue.Advances in the research of computer-aided diagnosis on mammograms [J].Foreign Medical Sciences (Biomedical Engineering Fascicle), 2000, 23(1): 24-28. [1]夏顺仁;吕维雪.;乳腺X线图像的计算机辅助诊断技术研究进展[J]
- PENG Bao-cheng, YE Shun-hua.The mutagenesis and carcinogenic effect of automobile exhaust [J].Overseas Medicine Sanitation Fascicle, 1995,22 ( 3 ): 144-148. [1]彭宝成;叶舜华.;汽车尾气排出物的致突变和致癌效应[J]
- Conclusions Muscul ar branches of biceps and deltoid contain less n erve fiber s.Partial fascicle transfer from the donor nerves can provide sufficiemt nerve fibers to reinnervate biceps and deltoid. 结论肱二头肌肌支、三角肌肌支的神经纤维数量少,用供体神经部分神经束即可提供充足的神经纤维,且能保证移位的神经纤维能良好地长入肱二头肌和三角肌。