- zoster sine eruptione 无疹性带状疱疹
- scarlatina sine eruptione [医] 无疹性猩红热
- The hostilities will be on eruption. 战事即将爆发。
- An active volcano may erupt at any time. 活火山随时可能喷发。
- The hearing is adjourned sine die. 审讯被无限期地推迟。
- scarlet fever sine eruptione [医] 无疹猩红热
- Acupuncture treatments of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption. 带状疱疹、风疹的针灸辨证治疗。
- Clinical manifestations of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption. 带状疱疹、风疹的针灸辨证治疗。
- sine eruptione, scarlet fever 无疹猩红热
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- variola sine eruptione [医] 无痘天花
- The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption. 这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。
- zoster sine herpete 无疹性带状疱疹
- The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives. 火山的爆发使许多人丧失了生命。
- Differentiation, diagnosis and cautions of Herpes Zoster and wind eruption. 带状疱疹、风疹的鉴别诊断、注意事项。
- The old man died sine prole in his 80th year. 这老头80岁去世,身后无子女。
- No one know when the social volcano below modern society will erupt. 谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。
- The meeting will adjourn sine die. 这个会议将会无限期休会。
- The island was convulsed by the eruption. 该岛因火山爆发而激烈震动。
- Sine I was too late,I did not watch the game. 由于我来的太晚了,没有看上比赛。