- 米尔恩,约翰1850-1913英国采矿工程师及地震仪的发明者(1880年)British writer known especially for the children's books Winnie-the-Pooh(1926) and The House at Pooh Corner(1928).
- H.332协议H.332protocol
- 枯草芽孢杆菌B-332Bacillus subtilis B-332
- 艾森豪威尔时副总统和第37届美国总统;1974年水门事件发生后辞职(1913-1994)。Vice President under Eisenhower and 37th President of the United States; resigned after the Watergate scandal in 1974 (1913-1994).
- 这个神示殿在公元前332年依然很兴旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B.C.
- 美国第38届总统;被任命为副总统并当尼克松辞职后继承尼克松成为总统(1913-)38th President of the United States; appointed Vice President and succeeded Nixon when Nixon resigned (1913- )
- 有332.3万女工重新就业;323 million women workers are re-employed.
- 狄赛尔,鲁道夫1858-1913发明内燃机并对之拥有专利(1892年)的德国工程师German engineer who devised and patented(1892) an internal-combustion engine.
- 我是琼斯先生,332号房。This is Mr. Jones in room 332.
- 美国第38届总统;被任命为副总统并当尼克松辞职后继承尼克松成为总统(1913-)。38th President of the United States; appointed Vice President and succeeded Nixon when Nixon resigned (1913- ).
- 相关作品有自传体三部曲《童年》(1913?14),《在人间》(1915?16),《我的大学》(1923)。His works include the autobiographical trilogy My Childhood (1913 ? 14), In the World (1915 ? 16), and My Universities (1923).
- 332例注射方式海洛因依赖者梅毒检测分析An Analysis of Syphilis Test of Heroin Injection Abuser in 332 Cases
- 民族主义运动的巴尔干战争(1912-1913和1913年)及第一次世界大战后签订的协议形成了目前各国的分界限"Nationalist movements, the Balkan Wars (1912-1913 and 1913), and treaties signed after World War I led to the present country boundaries."
- 干部40名,士官260名,义务兵538名,学员332名。And there were 40 officers, 260 petty officers, 538 soldiers, and 332 students.
- 袁世凯窃取辛亥革命的果实。 于 1913 年将总统府设在中南海,又将自己的政敌--副总统黎元洪囚禁在瀛台。After grabbing power in the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai made Zhong'Nan'Hai his presidential residence in 1913. At the same time, he had his political rival Vice President Li Yuanhong imprisoned on Ying'Tai.
- 咪唑斯汀对332例急性荨麻疹起效时间及疗效的试验观察Observation of onset time and effects with mizolastine in the treatment of 332 cases of acute urticaria
- 洛弗尔,(艾尔弗雷德 查尔斯)伯纳德生于1913英国射电天文学家,建立和领导了焦雷尔班克实验基地(1951-1981年)British radio astronomer who founded and directed(1951 - 1981)the Jodrell Bank Experimental Station.
- 公元前332年,马其顿王国的亚历山大率军攻占了整个埃及;in 332 BC Alexander of Macedonia took the country;
- 它建于19世纪40年代,是世界上最南端的城市。人口95,332。Founded in the1840's,it is the southernmost city in the world. Population,95,332.