- 我国有354种珍稀植物濒危。In our country 354 species of rare plants are on the brink of extinction (or are dying out).
- 355今天是又冷又刮风的一天。Today is a cold (and) windy day .
- 354型警戒雷达无回波故障剖析Analysis to fault of 354 warning radar without echo wave
- 355毫米鱼雷不能重创一艘先进的无畏战舰。The 14-inch torpedo has no hope of crippling a modern dreadnought.
- 暂居第三位的津巴布韦选手斯·埃万的总成绩为354·39分。The competitor from zimbabwe, Si Aiwan, who is temporarily in third place, has a total score of 354.39 points
- 图355是固体和液体的一般衍射实验的几何关系图。The geometry of a conventional diffraction experiment with a solid or liquid is illustrated in Fig. 355.
- 这个新厂包括三个长度达354英尺的单火源、单层窖,一个同样长度的双层在烧制窖。"This new plant contains three one-fire, single deck kilns, 354' long and one double deck refire kiln, equally as long. "
- 比如,当你的武器技能从350提升至355时,你未命中73级目标的几率会下降3%!For example, by improving your Weapon Skill from 350 to 355, you effectively reduce your chance to miss against Level 73 mobs by 3%25!
- 目前,中国已有612种国家级珍稀濒危动植物被列为重点保护对象,其中野生动物258个种和种群、植物354种;Currently, there are 612 national-level rare and endangered species of flora and fauna listed as key protection species, including 258 species of wild animals and 354 species of plants.
- 马拉凯委内瑞拉北部一城市,在卡拉加斯西南偏西方。它是一个产牛中心。人口355,000。A city of northern Venezuela west-southwest of Caracas. It is a cattle center. Population,355,000.
- 克利夫兰美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人口30,354a city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population,30,354.
- 在355、532nm激光波长下用TOF质谱研究了C4H5N-(H2O)n氢键团簇体系的多光子电离。The multiphoton ionization of the hydrogen-bonded clusters C_4H_5N-(H_2O)_n was studied using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer at 355nm and 532nm laser wavelengths.
- 印度中南部马德拉斯以西一城市,建于1537年,是一个主要的工业中心和交通枢纽。人口2,476,355。A city of south-central India west of Madras. Founded in 1537,it is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population,2,476,355.
- 本文通过各项统计表明,德系安哥拉公、母兔体重与产毛量间的关系不同。 体重与产毛量的相关系数,公兔0.223、母兔0.354。An investigation of the German angora rabbits bred on our college farm showed that the correlation of adult body weight with wool production is differ- ent between two sexes:0.223 for the bucks and 0.354 for the does.
- 班加罗尔印度中南部马德拉斯以西一城市,建于1537年,是一个主要的工业中心和交通枢纽。人口2,476,355A city of south-central India west of Madras. Founded in1537, it is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population,2, 476, 355.
- 另参见"赫德森保护自然风景区会议诉联邦动力委员会" 案[ 《联邦判例汇编》第二辑,第 354卷,第608、616页(第二巡回法庭,1965)]。See also Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference v. FPC, 354 F.2d 608, 616 (2d Cir.1965).
- 张克存,屈建军,俎瑞平,方海燕.不同下垫面对风沙流特性影响的风洞模拟研究.干旱区地理,2004,27(3):352-355.Kecun Zhang, Ruiping Zu, Jianjun Qu, Haiyan Fang. Characteristics of drifting sand flux over Gobi surface: A wind tunnel simulation. Annals of Arid Zone ,(SCI) (Accepted).
- 结果表明:塞北兔6月龄体重与体长、胸围、耳长、耳宽的相关系数依次为0.730、0.736、0.465、0.354,通径系数依次为0.526、0.535、0.264、-0.148;The results showed that the correlative coefficients between weight and body length ,chest girth,ear length , ear width were 0.730,0.736,0.465 and 0.354 reparately.
- 据日本厚生劳动省介绍,截至今年三月,日本去年一年有355人因过度工作而身患重病或死亡,比去年增长7.6%创历史最高纪录。Some355 workers fell severely ill or died from overwork in the year to March, the highest figure on record and7.6 percent up from the previous year, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labour said.