- The story has come down from time immemorial. 这个故事从远古流传至今。
- From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here. 自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。
- These legends have come down from time immemorial. 这些传说是从远古时代传下来的。
- My family has lived in this village since time immemorial. 我家很早以前就一直住在这个村子里。
- Such ceremonies have been handed down to us from time immemorial. 这种仪式不知从何时起一直传下来。
- These islands have been Chinese territory from time immemorial. 这些岛屿历来就是中国的领土。
- Members of my family have lived in this house since time immemorial. 我的家人很久以前就住在这幢房子里了。
- They have been in possession of the island from time immemorial. 他们自古以来就拥有该岛。
- There have been ponies on Dartmoor from time immemorial. 自远古以来,达特穆尔高原就一直有小型马。
- There have been ponies on Dartmoor from time immemorial . 自远古以来,达特穆尔高原就一直有小型马。
- My family has lived in this area from time immemorial. 我的家族在这个地区已经生活了不知有多少年了。
- The same time immemorial, always end Sheng Yan San. 亘古不变的,总是盛筵终散。
- My family has lived in this area from time immemorial(= for hundreds of years). 我的家族在这个地区已经生活了不知有多少年了。
- They have been in possession of the island for time immemorial. 他们自古以来就拥有该岛。
- The Communists have no need to introduce community of women; it has existed almost from time immemorial. 公妻制无需共产党人来实行,它差不多是一向就有的。
- The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial. 巴顿家族自古以来就住在这个村里。
- Floral vessels have been made in China since time immemorial. 中国自古即有插花习惯,及特制的花器。
- People have dreamt of immortality since time immemorial. 如果那样的话,又怎么做到,要花费多大的代价呢?
- Exotic, mysterious, fascinatingChina from time immemorial has tantalized the imagination of Western man. 自远古以来,奇特、神秘、迷人的中国就激起了西方人的幻想。
- Our ancestors lived and worked diligently on the Guanzhong Plain from the time immemorial. 我们的祖先很早就在关中平原一带繁衍生息,辛勤劳动。