- Happening or existing at the same time. 同时发生的发生在或存在于相同时间的
- But aureate and argent and general cannot exist at the same time, can use only in same space among them a kind. 第七条:想制造明快现代的家居味,那么您就不要选用那些印有大花小花的东西植物除外,尽量使用素色的设计。
- Suppose both exist at the same time, the entire colon resection wil not affect sclerosing cholangitis course. 若两者同时存在,全结肠切除术并不影响硬化性胆管炎的进程。
- At the turn of the century, it seems the cinematography and the commerce collide with each other as fire and water can t exist at the same time. 世纪之交,电影艺术与商业的冲突似乎水火不容,在承认商业重要性的同时,必须看到电影的艺术价值是商业实现的内在基础,正如商业是艺术价值实现的助力一样。
- In virtue of the fantastic story, Wang Xiaobo presented a kind of ultimate contrary theory that exist at the same time, also expresses a kind of liberalistic ethical claim. 王小波正是借助这种卡夫卡式的荒诞,在呈现了一种生存的终极悖论的同时,也表达了一种自由主义的伦理诉求。
- V Wubi Pinyin input at the same time, mixed input. v拼音五笔同时输入、混合输入。
- Not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase. 不发生或存在于同一时间,不处于相同时期或阶段的。
- By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time. 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。
- Don't all speak at the same time. 大家别同时说。
- The waters usage right and the fishery right belongs to the cross concept, which used as two different kinds rights, cant exist at the same time. 海域使用权与渔业权属于交叉概念,并非性质不同的可相互独立的两种权利,二者不可并行存在。
- Glans agnail and wrapping agnail often exist at the same time, friend be called by a joint name wraps dermatitis for glans. 阴茎头发炎和包皮发炎常常同时存在,故统称为阴茎头包皮炎。
- Carry out the actuality that has theory democratically within the party, also exist at the same time move and actual afoul place. 推行党内民主具有理论的现实性,同时也存在着与实际相冲突的地方。
- Once there is so called sage emerged in this world, there is larcenist existed at the same time. 天下之善人少而不善人多,则圣人之利天下也少而害天下也多。
- Through the research and analysis, we should clarify the situation of the pawn industry that opportunities and challenges are existing at the same time. 通过这些研究和探索,正视我国典当行业呈现机遇与挑战并存的局面。
- This disease is a the gender is pestiferous kind, can exist at the same time with gonococcus sex urethritis or alternate infection, good hair fills period at young sex flourishing. 本病是性传播疾病的一种,可与淋菌性尿道炎同时存在或交叉感染,好发于青年性旺盛时期。
- You've got to be firm, but at the same time you must be sympathetic. 你态度要强硬,但还必须有同情心。
- Happening at the same time as something else. 同时发生的和其他情况在相同时间发生的
- I return using a bit of English at the same time. 我回击的同时,加了点旋。
- I wish he would go home at the same time as I do. 但愿他跟我同时回家。
- At the same time, she noticed diplopia. 其时亦自觉此一复视现象,且有逐渐恶化之趋势。