- 化to make into
- United States-Colorado科罗拉多州United States - Colorado United States - Connecticut
- United States-Mississippi密西西比州United States - Mississippi United States - Missouri
- 最小化minimum
- United States-North Dakota北达科他州United States - North Dakota United States - Ohio
- 模块化modularize
- 以下三个示例返回相同的结果-United States各州的Internet Sales Amount(按州显示)。The following three examples return the same results - the Internet Sales Amount by state for states within the United States.
- 酸化acidification
- 钝化passivation
- 涉及到DNA证据的一个很著名的案件是United States v. Yee,eric Lander是该案的专家证人.A notable example in a case involving DNA was United States v. Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander.
- 可视化visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化steel
- UN是the United Nations(联合国)的缩写。UN is short for the United Nations.
- 归一化normalize
- 你没到states去过罢I guess you haven't been to the States!"
- 雾化pulverization
- Coastal States Gas(美)沿海各州天然气公司
- 氢化hydrogen sulfide
- 1923年,在United States v.In the 1923 decision United States v.
- 碳化carbonize