- 医保medical insurance
- 医改medical reform
- 一块糖果;英 = sweetpiece of candy
- 严式罗密克音标(Sweet用语)narrow Romic
- oil red(食用色素)油溶红
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- sweet white (白釉品种之一)甜白
- Dippels oil骨油
- 医者doctor
- 我常把“sweet”和“sweat”这两个词混淆。I often mix up these two words, @sweet@ and @sweat@.
- Jeppels oil骨油
- 学医study medicine
- Minsk oil (氧化煤油)明斯克起泡剂
- sweet-lemon rationalization (行为科学用语)甜柠檬式的文饰
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- enclosure of oil (石油)圈闭油
- 《Home, Sweet Home》这首歌一定是由一位独身汉作的。"Home, Sweet Home" must surely have been written by a bachelor.
- horses foot oil马足油
- 女医woman physician
- “温和的性情”的sweet是比喻,但“甜咖啡”的sweet则不是。"A sweet temper" is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee" is not.