- 医保medical insurance
- 可以通过在查询的参数化表单上创建TEMPLATE计划指南并在sp_create_plan_guide存储过程中指定PARAMETERIZATION FORCED查询提示来完成此操作。You do this by creating a TEMPLATE plan guide on the parameterized form of the query, and specifying the PARAMETERIZATION FORCED query hint in the sp_create_plan_guide stored procedure.
- 医改medical reform
- 或者,如果计划指南的类型为TEMPLATE,则请验证Or, in the case of a TEMPLATE plan guide, verify that the
- 最后,探讨了ERP快速实施的Template类型及实质。Finally, the types of template and substances of Rapid ERP Implementation are discussed.
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- Matlab/GUIDEMatlab/GUIDE
- 在Telecom Web Application Template窗口中,输入项目的名称。In the Telecom Web Application Template window, enter the name of your project.
- 医者doctor
- guide (燃气轮机的)导向器
- TEMPLATE计划指南使语句与在仅包含单个语句的批处理中提交的查询匹配。TEMPLATE plan guides match statements to queries submitted in batches that consist of a single statement only.
- 学医study medicine
- guide body (镗具的)导向架
- 或调用API服务器游标例程;因此,它们也可以通过SQL或TEMPLATE计划指南进行匹配。Or to API server cursor routines; therefore, they can also be matched by SQL or TEMPLATE plan guides.
- side guide (指闸门的)侧向导轨
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 有关如何获得参数化格式的查询以便在基于TEMPLATE的计划指南中使用的详细信息,请参阅For more information about how to obtain the parameterized form of a query to use in a TEMPLATE-based plan guide, see
- guide bushing (模具的)导套
- 女医woman physician
- 问题2:未遵循template.ini文件中使用的格式,该文件位于SQL Server 2005安装介质的根目录下。Issue 2: Not following the format used in the template. Ini file, located in the root directory of SQL Server 2005 installation media.