- 机machine
- 脱机off-line
- Binder综合征Binder syndrome
- 饮水机bubbler
- 在 a spoonful of sugar 中,spoonful 一词是表量词。In 'a spoonful of sugar', the word 'spoonful' is a partitive.
- vertical corn binder (指玉米茎秆垂直捆扎)立捆式玉米割捆机
- 死机system halted
- 每个人每日利用的蔗糖通常称为simply sugar或table sugar,在美国平均约160g,The per person daily utilization of sucrose, usually called simply sugar or table sugar, in the United States averages about 160 g
- 压机press
- 每个人每日利用的蔗糖通常称为simply sugar或table sugar,在美国平均约160gThe per person daily utilization of sucrose, usually called simply sugar or table sugar, in the United States averages about 160 g
- 接机meet sb. at the airport
- 如果不存在完全匹配项,binder将尝试强制types数组中指定的参数类型以便选择一个匹配项。If an exact match does not exist, the binder will attempt to coerce the parameter types specified in the types array in order to select a match.
- 机箱chassis
- 播放机player (e.g. CD player)
- 乘机(adv) seize the opportunity
- 机顶盒set-top box
- 机号device number
- 机柜machine cabinet
- 板机gunlock
- 跑步机treadmill