- 经scripture
- 经期menstrual period
- 心经heart channel
- 通过在线系统,用户可以进行数据的查看、添加、修改和删除,或者使用CSV(comma-separated value)文件进行数据导入;With the online system, users can view, add, edit and remove data, or import data from CSV (comma-separated value) file.
- 经编warp knitting
- 道德经Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 经授权的authorized
- 经书Confucian classics
- 绝经menostasia
- 爱经Kamasutra
- 五经the five classics
- 外经foreign economic relations
- 经向warp direction
- 经停stop over
- 不经without
- 经痛menstrual colic
- 停经amenorrhea [absence of menstruation]
- 藏经阁sutra depository
- 产经industry
- 读经read the scripture