- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 籀(writing)籀develop
- 楷(writing)凯triumphant
- 计件by the job
- 目前,龙芯上采用的是开源编译器GCC(GNU Compiler Collection)[2]。Presently, Godson-2 is using GCC(GNU Compiler Collection)which is a widelyused open source compiler on various platforms.
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 更多权威的信息,请参阅LDP CD-Writing-HOWTO。For the most authoritative information, see the LDP CD-Writing-HOWTO.
- 他还是DARPA的National Compiler Infrastructure项目的主要参与者之一。He was also a leading contributor to DARPA's National Compiler Infrastructure project.
- 硬度计sclerometer
- 有关创建源文件的详细信息,请参阅 Windows Help compiler 中的“帮助”。For information on creating the source file, see the Help that comes with the Windows Help Compiler.
- writ 是 writes、writing 和 written 三个词的词干。'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes', 'writing' and 'written'.
- 计画plan
- 写作(writing)是初中英语教学的一个重要的组成部分。Writing is an important part in junior English language learning and teaching (ELT).
- 例如,Microsoft Compiler使用进程无关的偏移量来为虚拟继承类指定基对象,因而不存在这个问题。For instance, Microsoft Compiler uses process-neutral offsets to address base objects for virtually inherited classes: thus, this issue does not arise.
- 时计hour meter
- 该组件可由Word 2002(通过sqrts.dot模板)和(可选).NET EXE(sqrts.net.varmap.compiler.exe)调用。That component is called by both Word 2002 (specifically, by the sqrts. Dot template) and (optionally) by a. NET EXE (sqrts. Net. Varmap. Compiler. Exe).
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 运行此示例时,请注意每个编写器的“Start Writing”和“Stop Writing”输出将接连发生。When running the sample, notice that the Start Writing and Stop Writing output for each writer occurs successively.
- 用计maneuver