- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 约束中的DEFAULT标记将被转换为Fixed标记。DEFAULT tags in constraints will be converted to Fixed tags.
- 计件by the job
- 要表示成Decimal的值。The value to represent as a Decimal.
- FIXED选项通知操作系统只在其首选基址加载程序。The FIXED option tells the operating system to load the program only at its preferred base address.
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 将指定Object的值转换为Decimal数字。Converts the value of the specified Object to a Decimal number.
- 硬度计sclerometer
- FIXED格式不能与包含嵌入式换行符和文件尾字符序列的二进制列一起使用。The FIXED format cannot be used with binary columns that contain embedded newline and End of File character sequences.
- round()函数将整数值映射为xs:decimal。The round() function maps integer values to xs: decimal.
- 计画plan
- 一种数据访问类型,它允许数据被读出,但不允许数据被复制、打印或修改。同fixed。A type of access to data that allows it to be read but not copied, printed, or modified.
- 不存在浮点型与decimal类型之间的隐式转换。There are no implicit conversions between floating-point types and the decimal type.
- 时计hour meter
- 当您试图在foreach循环和fixed语句块中采用只读局部变量的地址时,下面的示例将生成CS0459。The following example generates CS0459 when an attempt is made to take the address of a read-only local variable in a foreach loop and in a fixed statement block.
- decimal可以升级为float,float可以升级为double。A decimal may be promoted to float, and a float may be promoted to double.
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 用计maneuver
- 除了decimal类型之外,数字数据类型的精度和小数位数是固定的。The precision and scale of the numeric data types besides decimal are fixed.