- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- Chi-merge方法Chi-merge method
- 液位计juice level gauge
- Split-Merge算法Split-Merge algorithm
- 文章研究网络参数不确定时的多播(multicast)QoS路由及分解问题,假定网络链路参数是模糊数,给出了最优可信度树(Most Opti mal Reliability Tree,MORT)和树最优延迟分解(Tree Delay Optimal Partition,TDOP)的定义.This paper studies the multicast QoS routing and partition problem with uncertain network parameters. Under the assumption that the link parameter is the fuzzy number, the authors give the definition on MORP(Most Optimal Reliability Tree)and TDOP(Tree Delay Optimal Partition).
- 硬度计sclerometer
- Merge DOS的功能及其汉化The Functions and Chinese Processing of Merge DOS
- FP-treeFP-tree
- 计画plan
- FP_treeFP_tree
- 重复上述步骤创建repl_merge帐户。Repeat the previous step to create the repl_merge account.
- KD-TreeKD-Tree
- 时计hour meter
- 以下示例使用MERGE UNION查询提示。The following example uses the MERGE UNION query hint.
- BQ-treeBQ-tree
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- 此示例演示如何使用Merge的一个重载版本。This example shows how to use one of the overloaded versions of Merge.
- P-treeP-tree