- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 第2种控制器与流行的QDI异步控制器STFB(single-track full-buffer)电路相比,以较少的面积代价,实现了时序验证上的极大简化。The second controller greatly simplifies the timing verifications with lower area cost than the STFB(single-track full-buffer) circuit.
- 计件by the job
- 液位计juice level gauge
- base track (用于推拉隔断)地面滑轨
- 硬度计sclerometer
- 进行赛跑的整个地段称为track.The whole area they run on is called the track.
- Z_buffer深度值Z_buffer depth
- 计画plan
- no-field track (指云室或气泡室中)无磁场径迹
- buffer ram (车辆的)缓冲杆
- 时计hour meter
- sound track advance (声画不同步)声迹超前
- Drum-Buffer-Rope理论Drum-Buffer-Rope theory
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- Note:自PHP 4.0.3起,track_vars总是打开的。Note: As of PHP 4.0.3, track_vars is always turned on.
- buffer的大小超过65500字节。The size of buffer exceeds 65500 bytes.
- 用计maneuver
- buffer中开始写入的起始点。The starting point in buffer from which to begin writing.