





  1. 我由于一位朋友推荐而买了这本书。
    I bought this magazine on the recommendation of a friend.
  2. 我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。
    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
  3. 一个存储单元;保存一位二进制数的数据存储单元。
    A storage cell; an element of data storage that can hold one bit.
  4. 福克斯公司又有一位败下阵来。柯尔尼-福克斯广播公司总裁,也是最早加入这于六年前成立的广播网的高层职员之一-昨天辞职。他是一年中第四位离开此一广播网的福克斯公司最高层职员。
    And another one bites the dust at Fox. Jamie Kellner, president of Fox Broadcasting and one of the first executives to join the6-year-old network, resigned yesterday. He becomes the fourth top Fox executive within a year to leave the network.
  5. 指一位(或一些位),用来存储一位信息。标记有两种状态,而且是一个触发器的软件模拟。
    Refers to a bit(or bits) used to store one bit of information. A flag has two stable states and is the software analogy of a flip-flop.
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