- 一封家书触发了他的思乡病的发作。A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.
- 曾国藩在他的一封家书里说:书法只有两个基本的原则,就是形式和表现。Tseng Kuofan said in one of his family letters that the only two living principles of art in calligraphy are form and expression.
- 本期选刊第二、第三 封家书。The second and the third letters are printed today.
- 给儿子的第一封家书First letter to Son
- 今天刊登第五封家书。The fifth letters is printed today.
- 她被选出向船员递交了一封感谢信。She was chosen to present a letter of congratulation to the crew.
- 隔了很长一段时间她才给我写了一封短信。She dropped me a line after a long silence.
- 写一封有颜色的家书。Write a letter to home in colourful paper.
- 当他回到饭店时,他的信件架里有一封信。There was a message in his pigeonhole when he returned to the hotel.
- 我妈给我发了一封挂号信,我想她有什么重要的事情要说。My mother has sent me a registered letter, I guess she has something important to tell me.
- 最近我丈夫收到一封来自名叫奥斯汀的年轻人的信。Recently,my husband received a letter from a young man named Austin.
- 莫瑞尔拆开早上来的最后一封信,看过之后,哭笑不得地哼了一声。Morel opens the last of his morning's letters. He realizes its contents with a comic groan of despair
- 我昨天收到银行一封信,先生。通知我说有一个消息--或是一种发现--I received a letter from the Bank,sir,yesterday,informing me that some intelligence--or discovery---
- 上星期二他接到当地警察局的一封信。Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.
- 我希望您不反对我在这儿打一封信。I hope you don't mind my typing a letter here.
- 我写了一封确认我在旅馆订房的信。I have a letter confirming my reservation at the hotel.
- 格林小姐昨天向秘书口授了一封信。Miss Green dictated a letter to her secretary yesterday.
- 就在他启航那一刻,她寄给他一封绝交信。She sent him a Dear John letter just as he put out to sea.
- 我给洪堡写了一封表示崇敬的长信。I wrote Humboldt a long fan letter.
- 杰克附一封友好的信对所赠礼物表示感谢。Jack acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter.