- 至极to the utmost point; extremely
- 那些女孩对他的下流动作憎恶至极。The girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel.
- 我想我比你还糗。因为行为下流而被从迪斯尼里赶出来。I think I can top that. Try getting thrown out of Disneyland for lewd behavior.
- 下流言语, 污言秽语bestial words
- 疲惫至极的远足者hikers overborne by fatigue.
- 把黄色下流书盖戳销毁to damask foul books
- 她的两门火炮笨重至极,很难操作,不能进行准确射击。Her two guns were too unwieldy for accurate shooting.
- 燥渴至极Parched with thirst to the utmost degree
- 这个下流笑话羞得她脸通红.The dirty joke raised a blush on her cheek.
- 一群下流坯子a bunch of wankers
- 狂妄至极extremely conceited
- 切德奶酪几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp.
- 好一只卑鄙下流的猎狗,竟如此鬼鬼祟祟的刺探别人的私事。Why, the dirty low-down hound, sneaking around spying into other people's business like that.
- 我总得找一个人算算帐,不管是用正当手段还是用下流手段。I would have a settlement out of somebody, by fair means or by foul.
- 如果杂乱的厨房是令人愉悦的,那这个厨房简直就是让人兴奋至极了。A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen, and this kitchen is delirious.
- 一连串的大笑声掺杂着大声的下流笑话(华盛顿·欧文)Peals of laughter were mingled with loud ribald jokes(Washington Irving.
- 可恶至极的家伙a thoroughly obnoxious little man
- 电视辩论到最后,两个候选人都用卑鄙下流的手段攻击对方。Both candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the televised debate.
- 她伤心至极。She was overwhelmed by grief.
- 干性至极干性HydraZen Cream Dry to very Dry Skin