


  1. 神经核一组专门的神经细胞或存在于大脑或脊髓中灰物质的局部块
    A group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord.
  2. 用于描述为专门的或连续的使用而设计或设置的机器、微处理器、程序或过程。
    A term indicating machines, microprocessor, programs, or procedures that are designed or set apart for special or continued use.
  3. 将军向专门的军官小组扼要交代了这次作战的计划,将具体细节留待他们去布置。
    The general sketched out his battle plan to a special group of officers, leaving them to organize the details.
  4. 用这个专门的挂钩把客车车厢挂上机车。
    Lock the carriages on the engine with this special hook.
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