- 只教人生死相许?Which can beyond everything including life and death?
- 相mutually
- 就这样以心相许相与;By just exchange one for another giver;
- 问世间情为何物只教人生死相许?What on Earth is love, that makes lovers vow to stick together in life and death?
- 相簿photo album
- 问世间,情为何物,直教生死相许?I keep asking the world what love really is; Why will it make me pay my whole life for it?
- 相框picture frame
- 期许hope
- 人相physiognomy
- 相比较compare ... with ...
- 相配match
- 三相triphase
- 相依depend on each other
- 相对应corresponding
- 液相liquidoid
- 问世间,情是何物,直教人生死相许?Ask the world what love is, it's a promise with life.
- 反相opposite phase
- 气相gas phase
- 金相metallographical
- 相结合combine together; combine