- 买buy
- 得permit
- 买得起can afford
- 这辆汽车你买得很合算。This car is good value for your money.
- 这件大衣真是买得便宜。The coat was a real buy.
- 我们买得起一辆小汽车。We can afford a car.
- 我这房子买得便宜。I bought my house cheap.
- 那样东西买得有道理。That was a sensible buy.
- 这书我买得便宜极了。I got the book dirt-cheap.
- 他能买得起一套住房。He can afford an apartment.
- 买得真便宜。It's a good buy.
- 你买得真便宜。You got a good deal.
- 出低价买买得比对的所出价便宜To buy at a lower price than a competitor.
- 只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第。Only a man of means could afford such a big house.
- 只有富人能买得起这些房子。Only the well-to-do can afford these houses.
- 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很合算。He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain.
- 如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。He wouldn't scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you'd pay.
- 买得便宜buy at a bargain
- 买得放心buy
- 在车站买得到点心。Refreshments can be obtained at the station.